SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sues. III. C11. 1. 1914;. 787 tory or_the District of Columbia or any of the insular possessions of the_United States to any person in any foreign country, regulating their entry in accordance with such regulations for importation theieof mto such fplzign cou1u;1ttrgd?·0are prescribed by saidscountry, suc regulationsto rom a m time to timeb the ecret P¤>z¤¤1s¤¢¤¤¤ vi of of the States. h y f my Nimmo? M, otesae, arter exc e,or " awayofanyothe0F’°_Y¥’“ ‘° aforesaid drugs to any officer oiulgie Um€1ed States Government or mmm of any State territorial, district, county, or municipal or insular government lawfully eqgagled in purchases thereof for the various departments 0 the Army an Navy the Public Health Service, and for Government, State, territorial district, county, or municigzl or insular hospitals or Erisons. I The mmxssioner of ternal evenue, with the approval of the §,'§,‘,‘§,§,{,°{,‘,§‘,,S;,,,,_,,,,_ Secretary of the Treasury, shall cause suitable forms to be prepared for the p1u·poses above mentioned, and shall cause the same to be distributed to collectors of internal revenue for sale lily them to those persons who shall have registered and paid the speci tax as required y section one of this Act in their districts, respectively; and no collector shall sell an of such forms to any persons other than a person who has and paid the special tax as required by section one of this Act in his district. The price at which such forms shall be sold by said collectors shall be fixed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, but shall not exceed the sum of $1 per hundred. Every collector shall keefp an account of the number of such forms sold by him, the names o the purchasers and the number of such forms sold to each of such purchasers. Whenever aply collector shall sell angreof such forms, he shall cause the name of e purchaser thereof to plainly written or staxzped thereon before delivering the same; and no person Use restrimdother than su purchaser shall use any of said forms bearing the name of such purchaser for the of procuring any o the aforesaid drugs, or furnish any of the orms bearing the name of such purchaser to any person with intent thereby to procure the shi mentor delivery of any of the aforesaid drugs. It shall be unlawlinl for any person to obtain by means of said order forms any of the aforesaid drugs for any purpose other than the use, sale, or distribution thereof by him in the conduct of a lawful business in said drugs or in the legitimate practice of his profession. \ um i I A t The provisions of this Act shall apply to the United States, the ‘ pp °°"° °° District of Columbia, the Territory 0 Alaska, the Territo of Hawaii, the insular possessions of the_United States, and the (rlvanal Zone. In Porto Rico and the Philippme _Islands the administration ,,,{,",,§§{§},‘;,,,'f,§° ’°" of this Act the collection of the said special tax, and the issuance of the order forms specified in section two shall be performed by the appropriate internal-revenue officers of those governments, and all revenues collected hereunder in Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands shall accrue intact to the general ggverngnents thereof, res£ct1vely. The courts of first instance m Philippine Islands sh possess and exercise jurisdiction in all cases arising under this Act m said islands. The President is authorized and directed to issue such Executive orders as will car? into effect in the Canal ‘""""“"“‘Z°“°· Zone the intent and purpom of this Act y providing for theregistration and the imposition of a special tax upon all persons in the Canal Zone who produce, import, com und, deal iu, dis , sell, distribute, or give away opium or coca lgsves, their salts, derivatives, orénreparatmns. _ nc. 3. _That any person who shall be registered in any mternal— ,,§;Eg,§;*jrgj;§P;,{§gg_j revenue district under the provisions of section one of this Act shall, ` whenever reqmred so to do by the collector of the district, render to
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