788 SIXTY—THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1. 1914. the said collector a true and correct statement or return, verified by ailidavit, setting forth the quantity of the aforesaid drugs received by him in said internal-revenue district during such period immediately preceding the demand of the collector, not exceeding three months, as the said collector may fix and determine; the names_of the persons from whom the said drugs were received; the qgrantrty in each instance received from each of such persons, and e date 0 *¤¤¤¤¤*s °*=· Y nc. 4. 1 a or any person w 0 no Sh *bw1Smmc6i'T(i1(iiftshaHbeun1wf1df hshall t inmurfriirmmi pm°m’ have tered and plaid the special tax as required by section one of this §ct to send, s `p, carry, or deliver any of the aforesaid drugs from any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, or any insular possession of the United States, to any person in any other State or Territory or the District of Columbia or any insular pos- Evwgiom session of the United States: P1·0*v1Hed,_That nothing contains in up this section shall apply to common carriers engaged in transportugg the aforesaid drugs, or to any employee acting within the scope _ his employment, of any person w o_ shall have registered and paid the special tax as required by section one of this Act, or to any person who shall de1iver_ any such drug which has been prescribed or dispensed by a physician, dentist, or veterinarian required to regkter under the terms of this Act, who has been employed to rescribe for the particular patient receivingguch drug, or to any United States, State, county, municipal, trict, Territorial, or _ insular officer or oihcial acting within the scope of his official duties. . ,,f,’§f‘“'p f Sec. 5. That the drgglicate-order forms and the prescriptions •¢·=- required to be lpreserv under the provisions of section two of this Act, and the statements or returns filed in the office of the collector of the district, under the provisions of section three of this Act shall be open to inspection by officers, agents, and employees of the 'llreasury Department duly authorized for that purpose; and such omcials of any State or Territory, or of any organized municipality therein, or of the District of Columbia, or any insular possession of the United States, as shall be charged with the enforcement _ ( t of any law or municipal ordinance regulating the sale, prescribing; °°p"“° '° °"”‘ dislpensing, dealing in, or distribution of the aforesaid drugs. Eae co ector of internal revenue is hereby authorized to furnish, upon written request, certified copies of any of the said statements or returns filed in his office to any of such ofhcials of any State or Territory or origarnized municipality therein, or the District of Columbia, or any ins wpossession of the United States, as shall be entitled to_mspect the s statements or returns filed m the office of the { said collector, upon the payment of a fee of $1 for each one hrmdred ,u¥,§‘§,?,'§,’,}‘§‘,{,,°‘L§,,‘L’§f words or fraction thereof,1n the copy or copies so rguested. Any person who shall disclose the information contain in the said statements or returns or in the said duplicate-order forms, except as herein expressly provided, and except or the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this Act, or for the purpose of enforcing any law of any State or Territory or the District 0 Columbia, or any insular possession of the United States, or ordinance of any organized municipality therein, regulating the sale, prescribing, dispensing, dealing in, or distribution of the aforesaid drugs, shall, on conviction s3fSii°,.$,‘§’s§{ °""g` be lined or unprisoned as provided by section nine of this Act. And collectors of mternal revenue are hereby authorized to finnish upon written request, to any person, a certified copy of the names of any or all persons who may be listed rn their respective collection districts as special-tax payers rmder the dprovisions of this Act, upon payment 0 a fee of S1 for each one hun ed names or fraction thereof in the copy so requested.
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