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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/720

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INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION—OPI`UM. JANUARY 23, 1912. 1937 therefor make itself felt, by domestic legislation or by an international agreement. In testimony whereof, the Plenipotentiaries have affixed their sig- swam, natures to the present Protocol. Done at The Hague, the 23rd day of January, 1912, in a single copy, which shall remain deposited m the Archives of the Government of the Netherlands, an copres of which, certified and conforming thereto, sha]1 be dehvered throu h the di lomatic channel to all S P the Powers represented at the Conference. For Germany: F. de Muller, Delbruck, Grunenwald. Eor the United States of America: Charles H. Brent, Hamilton Wright, Hemy J. Fin r. Igor Lgeng. or rance: remer. For Great Br·ita·in: W. S. Meyer, W. G. Max Muller, William Job Collins. For Italy: G. de la Tour Calvello. For Ja n: Aimaro Sato Tomoe Tak Kotaro Nishizaki. Pa **-8% For the Netherlands: J. Cremer, C. Th. van Deventer, A. A. de Jongh, J. G. Scheurer. For ersia: Mirza Mahmoud Khan. For Portugal: Antonio Mama Bartholomeu Ferreira. For Russia: A. Savinsky. For Siam: Akharaj Varadhara, Wm. J . Archer. FINAL PROTOCOL or rrrn sr~1ooNn 1N·renN.u·1o1uL orrmr ._£‘iL‘°L. CONFERENCE-1913. The Second International Opium Conference, eonvoked by Govern- §",‘§,‘fj‘Q,f’{’,§'g,‘5°f°“'°°- ment of the Netherlands in virtue of Article 23 of the International Opium Convention, met at The Hague, m the Palace of the Counts, Jul 1 1913. _ 'Ehe’Govern.ments enumerated below took part in the Conference, ugtglermenrs reprefor which they had designated the following-named delegates. ` (Here follow names o Governments and d8l:§8l76S.) In a series of meetintgls held from the lst to _ e 9th the Conference Questions considafter examination of e questron put before 1t_by paragraph 2 of °'°_{‘;,,,’,,_ um Article 23 of the International Opium Conventron of January 23, l912— _ I. Decided that ratifications mag depositedfrom this moment. uggpcslr or rm¤¤¤~ II. Unanimously adopted the fo owing resolution: ` mzsow·i·ro:·:. ` `ll- lh th (l.l)tl1`t€1’D8t2l1JAl II1W` fFhror·1n- s£.i°§§’;l‘2r°i$9 §lC‘r“£l§§3é’€ §O.‘ie¥Zm°E?’i§e JQ ni *3...;.1.., 3.. p§°.$."rv.°§’.,& ¤»¢t'°~.°’ ”° ‘“ ° pressxon of the abuse of oplium, morphipei c0came,_€1s well atiaof drugs prepared wr d 'ri th c stan ,an eemmgx more nevernecessaryan illullrlgll; aefilliirllagehlls 3 haveiil; international agreement on that point, the Second ` nal C ni - . . Inllrlliatttgs a vvlshefliirlslhe Government of the Netherlands be pleased to call to the tr,?$§*‘fn°°°*°?N*;:¤‘*; attention of the (;Eremmen£1;1suof_.&wma-Himgspg Lorway, and Ezeden the ig; gg: and S,,,,§§Y h t ,ra'cation, u o egrsa vem _, putting __- irelxt.fcgdmin};8forct;1consd’;r11te ct stages whrch perm1t of those powers giving ‘ U re even now. _ _ _ thliidseleldli gzmiggeenslligg articles 23 and 24 that a period of six months is allowed to run between the going into effect of the convention and the up of the bills, regulations. and other measures contemplated in_the convention. _ llurthermore, the third paragraph of article 24 gives the contracungkgwwers the hberty_ to reach an agreement, after ratification, upon the date on whi the said legrslatrye }!1&3B11{€S

hall go into effect. Besides we can not refrain from remarkrng that the drfiicultres

foreseen bv Austria»Hungarv, Norway, and Sweden wrth respect to their legislation were not unknown to the delegates of the sxgnatory powers and were suluected to