1938 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION—OPIU`M. JANUARY 23, 1912. thorough consideration on the part of the twelve contracting powers. Nearly all the signatory powers are in the same situation as the above—mentioned Governments and have not yet elaborated all the bills contemplated lg the convention. _ B¢q¤¤¤i¤¤€ 2. Utters the wish that the Government of the Ne erlands be pleased to communi-
mg cate to the Governments of Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, Peru, Roumama, Servia,
Turkey, and Uruguay the following resolution: _ "'1'he conference regrets that some Governments have refused or neglected to sign the convention as yet. The conference is of opinion that the abstention of those powers would prove a most serious obstruction to the humane purposes aimed at by the convention. The conference expresses its firm hope that those powers will desist Adm, , from their negative or dilatory attitude" _ h,,d_ "’“ °fS°"t‘°" 3. Utters the wish that the Government of the Netherlands be pleased to point out to the Helvetic Government its error in deeming its cooperation to be of hardly any value. Contrary to what is said in the Federal Council s letter of October 25, 19l2, the conference holds that Switzer1a;nd’s cooperation would be most serviceable in its effect, whereas her abstention would jeopardize the results of the convention. As to the uestion raised by the Federal Council concerning the respectivelpowers of the Federal and Canton Legislatures, it is to be noted that similar diflic ties were already considered by the first conference, which took them into account in wording . e conv ti n. ugfplmmm °°°p°”' 4. Reaiileslis the sigliato Governments to instruct their representatives abroad to uphold e above-in `catdd action of their Netherland colleagues. ,,*§‘Z,‘§‘{§,‘,,{’,d§"“°‘“'“ _ Utters the wish that in case the signature of all the powers invited by virtue of paraggph 1 of article 23 shall not have been secured by the _31st of ember, 1913, the Government of the Netherlands will immediatteili mvite the signatory powerspn that date to designate delegates to _ e ug the question w ether 1t is possible to put_the International Opium onvention of January 23, 1912, into operation. S I" In faith whereof the delegates have affixed their signatures to the present protocol. _ _ Done at The Hague, the ninth of July, one thousand mne hundred and thirteen, m one copiy that shall remain deposited 111 the archives of the Government of e Netherlands and certined cplpies of which shall be dehvered through the diplomatic channel to the powers, whether or not signatory. For Germany: F. de Muller. For the United States of America: Hamilton Wright, Lloyd Bryce, Gerrit J. Kollen. For Ar entina.: Franc. de Veyga. For Beiyiurn.: Bu. Alb. Fallon. For the _Um.ted {States of Brazil: Graca Aranha. For Olnle: Jorje Huneeus. For China: _W. W. Yen, Wu Lien Teh. For Colombia: Chr. Hxschemoller. For Costa. Rica: Manuel M. de Peralta. For Denmorlg: _W. Grevenkop Castenskjold. For the Domzmcan Rlegyublic: J. Lamarohe. For Ecuador: Jorje uneeus. For igparn.: Manuel G. de Acilu. For rance: Marcellin Pellet. For Brztazp.: W. G. Max Muller, William Job Collins. For Ham: Stemo Vincent. For Italy: Brichanteau. _ For Japan: J. _Shinobu (with the reservation of the subsequent approbation of his Government). For L»u.a:emlgourg.· Bu. Alb. Fallon. For the United States of Mexico: F. Gamboa. For the Netherlands: J. T. Cremer, C. Th. van Deventer, A. A. de Jo¥h, J. G. Scheurer. or Portugal: Antonio Maria Bartholomeu Ferreira. For Rjussza: A. Swétchine. For Siam: Phya Sudham Maitri, Wm. J. Archer.