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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/739

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PROCLAMATIONS, isis. 1949 other Powers, and detained by the naval or other duly commissioned officers of any of the Parties to this Convention, to be delivered as soon as practicable to an authorized official of their own nation at the nearest point to the place of seizure, or elsewhere as may be mutually agreed upon; and that the authorities of the nation to which such person or vessel belongs alone shall have jurisd1ction to try the offense and impose the penalties for the same; and that the witnesses and proof; neces to estabhsh the offense, so far as they are under the coniigof any of the Parties to this Convention, shall also be furnished with all reasonable promptitude to the proper authorities having jurisdiction to try the offense." And, `WHEREAS, bg an Act entitled "An Act to give effect to the V°‘·°"·P-‘°°· Convention between e Governments of the United States, Great Britam, Japan and Russia for the preservation and rotection of the fur seals and sea otter which frequent the waters of tlie North Pacific Ocean, concluded at Washington July seventh, nineteen hundred and eleven," approved Aggust 24, 1912, 1t is provided that the President of the United States all determine by proclamation when the other parties to said Convention, by appropriate legislation or otherwise, shall have authorized the naval or other officers of the United States, duly commissioned and instructed by the President to that end to arrest, detain, and deliver to the proper officers of such parties, vessels and subjects under their jurisdiction, offending against said Convention or any statute or regulation made by those Governments to enforce said Convention; and that his determination shall be conclusive uppn the tipestion. Au, .. . NOW RE ORE, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United on mgu s¤°°Zfii$ States of America, by virtue of the power and authority conferred ugn f,‘}‘{§,‘{‘,;;‘?,;’,;,}’,{,°§,§‘§‘u‘ me b the said Act approved August 24, 1912, do hereby declare at •¤<1B¤¤¤h· ’ satisfiicto information has been received by me that the Governments of gnat Britain, Japan, and Russia have authorized the naval or other officers of the United States to arrmt, detain, and deliver to the proper officers of such Governments, respectively, all (persons and vessels subject to their jurisdiction, offending against said ‘onvention, or against any statute or regulation made ly those Governments to enforce its provisions; and do further dec are that from and after the date of this Proclamation any (person or vessel subject to the jurisdiction of the United States offen ing or being about to oflend against the prohibitions of said Convention, or of said Act, or of the regulations made thereunder, maiy be seized and detained by the naval or other duly commissioned oi icers of any of the parties to the said Convention other than the United States, except within the territorial jurisdiction of one of the other of said (parties, on condition, however, that such person or vessel so seized an detained shall be delivered as soon as practicable at the nearest point to the place of seizure, with the witnesses and proofs necessary to establish the offenses so far as they are under the control of such paijly, to the prcéper official of the United States, whose courts alone sh have juris ction to try the offense and im cse the enalties for the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this thirty-tirst day of May, in the year 0 our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, [SEAL.] and of the Inde endence of the United States of America the one hundredp and thirty-seventh. Woonaow Winsor: By the President: W. J. BRYAN t" Secretary of State.