1950 PROCLAMATIONS. 1913. ¥¤¤¤=’7» *913- Br rm: Pnnsmsm or rm: Umrnn Srarns or Aimmoa A PROCLAMATION Mum N=*“°¤°* F°’· WHEREAS `t th t the p blic good will be promoted by °s 1¤. adding certain Ioigeldlsmlhriids idvithin tlie State of Utah, to the Manti Nagional Forest, and by eliminating therefrom certain other lands: MWHEREAS it appears that the public good will be promoted by including in the Fishlake National orest, within the State of Utah, a portion of the area heretofore embraced in the Manti National _ Forest, also within the State of Utah; _ $f,if‘,‘,§°§f‘}§’,‘};_ Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by the Act of Coness approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one (26 Stat., 1095) entitled "An Act To repeal timber-culture laws, and for v°*·3°·P-3°· other p es," and also by the Act of Coigress approved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninet —seven (30 tat., 11-34), entitled "An Act Making ap roapriations fir sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fisc year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety.-lcgight, and for other puF>oses," do proclaim that the boundaries of t , the Manti National orest, and the boundaries of the Slabove-metxifioned Fishlake National llgiresti arei heretlfly ghanged as ownon ed1§ram ormingapart ereo an on e i am
- ’°·"·P· *951- forming a part of » e ngroclamation for the said Fishlake Nantidnal
Forest, which I have o signed this same day; and that the said Manti and the said Fishlake proclamations are made and are intended
- ’°°°'°"“'*· to be and shall be considered as one act to become effective simultaneously; and that it is not intended by this proclamation nor by
the above-mentioned Fishlake proclamation to reserve an land not heretofore embraced in a N ational Forest, in the said above-mem tioned State, nor to release may land from this, the said Manti, nor gig? the sang Fishlake N ationth Fgrest, except those areas]; shown ag `tions an e ` tions on e iagram forming a part ereof an _ _ on the di fo a part of the said Fishlake ro l maf . zscamf "gm mt "' The withdrawal made b this proclamation shall; ag atc allollands which are at this date legalgr appmyinated under the dpublic land laws or reserved for any lpublic pprpose, e subject to, an shall not interiire wit}; or de%at legal rig ts uncgeiiggnégh approprggtioninor preveng euse_orsuc_ u cpurpose_o so reserv , so o as c gppropnation is legally maintained, or such reservation iigmaiiigsuin _ _ · orce. a»·§£W$i$aa°ii$E The lands herein eliminated from the Manti National Forest are °‘§;,_,_36,p_ Sm hereby withdrawn under the Act of June twenty-fifth, nineteen v¤1.::r,p.•or. hundred andhten_(36 Staiii, 8g)&as aamendefd by the Act of August wen_ - ourt nineteen un e an tw (37 St t., 497 , f classdication, and will, when compatible wiltliniahe publiii interesls, gg restored to settlement and ent under the laws ap licable thereto on such dates as shall be fixedYy the Secretary of the Interior and A _ lm H ds after such notice as he may deem advisable. v$Z`i,pl°zs`?° This proclamation shall not prevent the settlement and entry of ainyCl)ands heretofore egpgned ua settlcilment and entry under the Act o essapprov une t,'te hdred d` Sggihiignéct ronpmviaj ‘2Zf“at S1?€$y%’EA`§r'3cu¤rur’Zi“ia§`3‘; . in res erves. IN WITNESS WHEIQEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aiiixed.