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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/744

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1952 1>RooLAMAr1oNs, 1913. as ihall be fixed byé the Epcretary of the Interior and after such notice as e may deem a visa e. —{,g‘*§,'j’*‘l}f“m3'*¤°S· This proclamation shall not prevent the settlement and entry of any ' ` lands heretofore opened to settlement and entry under the Act of Congress a proved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six, entitled "An Act Tii provide for the entry of Agricultural lands within forest reserves? IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aiiixed. Done at the City of Washington this twenty-seventh day of June, in the year of our ord one thousand nine hundred and [anu,.] thirteen, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-seventh. W W ooimow ILSON By tig? gregdents . . RYAN Secretary of State. my ”» lm- Br run Pansmmrr or rrm Unrrnn Sryrns. A PROGLAMATION. R;g'F*mu%kM0I‘{;€*“ _ I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America, by mgpaxugmmagicgn- virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Act of Con ess openediso E-131§¥_ ’ approved May 30, 1908 (35 Stat., 558), do herel;\y1hprescribe, procdiiim V¤¥·35»P· - an make known that all the nonmineral, u otted, unreserved lands within_ the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, in the State of Montana, which have been classified under` said Act of Congress into agricultural lands, grazinlg lands, and arid lands, which are not designated for nrigation y the Government, shall be disposed of under the general provisions of the homestead and desert land laws of the United States and of said Act of Congress, and be opened to splttherlrient and entry, ang betsetgled upon, occupied and entered in _ e o owing manner, an no otherwise: m§§§gfj¤’°¤°¤°*¤¤P“· 1. All persons qualified to make a homestead or desert land entry for said lands may; on and after September 1, 1913, and prior to and 1neludm§Septem r 20, 1913, but not thereafter, present to James W. gV1tten,t éipgrmltplnldent o{1the_o_penir;_g, inhperaan, or to some person esigna e at the cities o eit er G t F ll Havre, or Mhes City, Montana, sealed envelorliijisgodirxhtairiiiig their applications for registration, but no envelope must contain more than one application; and no person can present more than one application in his own_ behalf and one as agent for a soldier or sailor, or for the vvédpiw or minor orphan child of a soldier or sailor, as hereinafter provide . ’*B¤"”°¤°¤¤· 2. Each zgplication for registration must show the applicant’s name, pesto ce address, age, eéght and weight, and be sworn to by him at either Glasgow, Havre, _ reat Falls or Miles City, Montana, 1l;gt;ogehsc;rrrii;8Notary Public designated by the Superintendent, and e . m;f·,¤gg>,§°;*;@y*;H°r;f°¤ _ 3. Persons who were honorably discharged after ninety da s’ service m the Army, Nawiy or Marme Corps of the United States, during the War of the Rebe ion, the Spanis -Amer1can War, or the Philippine Insnrrection, or their widows or minor orphan children, may make theirapphcations for registration either in person or through their duly applpintedagents, but no person can act as agent for more than one snc applicant, and all applications presented by agents must be signed and sworn to by them at one o the places named and in the