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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/745

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1913. 1953 same manner in which other applicants are required to swear to and present their applications. _ 4. Beginning at 10 o’clock a. m. on September 23, 1913, at the said Dm'*¤¤ City of lasgow, and continuing thereafter from day to day, Sundays excepted, as onv as may be necessary, there shall be impartiall taken and selected indiscriminately from the whole number of envelbpes so presented such number thereof as may be necessary to carr into effect the provisions of this Proclamation, and the a lications for registration contained in the envelopes so selected shal)l?when correct in form and execution, be numbere serially in the order in which they are selected, beginning with number one and the numbers thus assigned shall Bx an control the order in which the persons named therein may make entry after the lands shall become subject to entry. 5. A list of the successful applicants, sho the number assigned A Ng*i°°“°' ¤¤¤=·=¤¤f·¤| to each of them, will be conspicuously posteii and furnished to the pp mu ' press for publication as a. matter of news, and a roper notice will be promptly mailed to each person to whom a numlber is assigned. 6. eginning at 9 o’clock a. m., on May 1 1914, and continuing c8{;*°;S¤$;¤g¤t;¤*¤¤¤¤· thereafter on such dates as may be Bxed by the Secretary of the In- ° ` terior, persons holding numbers assigned to them imder this Proclamation will be permitted to designate and enter the tracts they desire as follows: When a person’s name is called, he must at once select the tract he S°*°°"*°'”·°°°· desires to enter and will be allowed ten days following date of selection to complete entijy at the proper local land office. During that period of ten days, he must Ble his homestead or desert land application at the proper local land omce, the same wit one- Bfth of the a praised value of the tract ected, and, if a homestead application, Elie usual Bling fees and commissions. To save expense incident to an additional trip to the land and to retiun to the local land office, he may, following his selection, execute his application for the tract selected within the proper land district and Ble same in the proper local land office, where it will be held awaiting the necessary ayments. In that event, the payment must be made within the ten ‘ gays following the date of selection. Payments can be made only in Payments cash or by certiBed checks on national and state banks and trust companies, which can be cashed without cost to the Government, or by ostofiice money orders, made payable to the receiver of the proper liical land office. These payments may be made in person, through the mails or any other means or agency desired, but the applicant assumes all responsibility in the matter. He must see that the pay- ments reach the local office within the ten days allowed, and w ere failure occurs in any instance where the application has been filed in the local land office without payment, as herein provided for, the a plication will stand rejected wit out further action on the part of) the local officers. In case of declaratory statements, allowable under mg,°,'jj°¤‘°*¥ ”•*°· this opening, the same course may be pursued, except that the Bling ` fees must be paid within the ten ays ollowing date of selection, the arty having six months after Bling within which to complete entry. Soldiers or sailors or their widows or minor orphan children, making homestead entry of these lands must make (payments of fees and commissions and purchase money as is require of other entrymen. The *’°Y*¤°'*'°“· remaining four—Bfths of the purchase money may be aid in Bve e ual installments, at the end of one, two, three, four, ang Bve years zilfter the date of entry, unless the entry is sooner commuted, or unless Bnal roof is sooner made, under a desert land ent . If commutation or Enal desert land proof is made, all the unpaid, installments must be paid at that time. If any entryman fails to make any ayment when it becomes due, all his former payments will be forfeited) and his entry _ _ will be canceled. No person can select more than one tract or present R°$“"°“°“· 964!)7°—v0L 38»—r*r 2-47