1954 rnocnamvrious, 1913. more than oneilapplicatgon tip enter or file more than one declaratory statement in is own eha .
- `°"°““’°· d 7. If any gerscilrliglails tcil designate the tpfact he desires to enlteg on the
ate assigne to for t at pu ose, or , havin ma esuc esignation he fails to perfect it by maihing entry or iiliciig and payments as above provided, or 1f he presents more than one apphcation for registration or presents an application in angjlother than his true name, he Ompmly fgxrfeit hgstgiglft tips make elntry;1 or thesngglunajer this Pr1p3i1%1ation. · . one o e an o ene un er oc ama ions eoome subject to settlement and) entry prior to 9 o'cIock a. m., on June 30, 1914, except in the manner prescribed herem; and all persons are adrxgonisclgzd) not go make any settleimept pliior to tihattgoup on {ands; not _ c ver y en ries or filings ma e y em un er IS roc ama 1on. Undisposed or 111116** At 9 o’c1ock a. mz, on June 30, 1914, all of the lands opened under this Proclamation which have not been entered or Bled upon in the manner herein provided will become subject to settlement and entry ungerhthe %1L]&B1‘&l piéivisions of the homestead and desert land laws an thesai ct o ongress. R°¥°‘°“°“’· 91. The Secretary of th}; Interior shall hnake and prescribe hspch rules an regulatmns as may necess an ro er to c t Proclamation and the said Act of Congizg into Iiullpforce ai1I<'iv5eil'ect. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the sealfgpf the Ulpitphd Stapewo be affixed. ne at the 'ty o ashington this twenty-fifth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thir- [smn.] teen, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-eighth. Woomzo W By the President: W ILSON W. J. BRYAN Secretmjy of State.
BY THE Pnnsmrzivr or mn UNITED Smrns or Amzmoa
A PROOLAMATION ’ff'3€’ N§“°°°l F°" WHEREAS it appears that the public good will be promoted by mwzaxiidriiie- gdding Iéoresi; lan:ilsi)in the Sgate tcg Npw Mexico, to the emez_ a ion ores , an y ehmma mg ere rom certain lands, also within the State of New M · $fjf*2‘g{°;_’_"}§gé_ Now, therefore, I, Vyoodrogvmcliilson, President of the United States of America, lay virtue of the power in me vested by the Act . of Congress approve Magch third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one V X 30 P 36 Sttlagg entitlecg in Scttgo Xejzeaj téimber-culture lawlsh and °···- _ es,na yecooessa fourth, eiphteen hundred and ninety-seven (3(§at., i)i)ra):é3¢1 alrild 36), ent?p1d Gén Act Mtalgmgtlapjpigozppiatiom fgr sugidry civil expenses o 1 e vernmen_ or e a ear en ing thirf th eighteen hundred and mneitry-eight, and for other p1i1]i·;oses,’lc dd proclaim that the _Jemez ational Forest IS hereby enlarved to 1ncludedthed?reas_ mdicegidh as pddgzioflis oln the diagram thereto annexe an_orrmnga ero nt tt hllb limintd ggxérx the {said {cing (l;ii1tic&na%;¥`torBest, goal takgneilegt o1(iil)eceiiib£er , mne een un e an theen, the areas indicated as eliminations on said diagram. wig: we me ar- The withdrawal made by this proclamation shall, as to all lands
- vl11ch are at this date legally appropriated under the public land
_aws or reserved for any public purpose, be subjhect to, and shall not interfere with or defeat egtal rights under suc appropriation, nor prevent the use for such pu he purpose of lands so reserved, so long