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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/750

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1913. 1957 BY rm: Pnnsnnimvr or rim Umrrnn Srmrns or Ammmca B°P°°mb°*3°»””· A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS the President on March first, nineteen hundred and F§§g;‘°,§,‘§{), N"“°”°* thirteen, made and issued a. Proclamation rovidin that certain Pr¤=¤inb1¤.` lands indicated upon a diagram thereto attaclged and forming a part V°"37’p` 1m` thereof shall be excluded from the Nebraska National Forest within the State of Nebraska, to take effect October first, nineteen hundred · and thirteen; and VVHEREAS it alppears that the public good will be promoted by revoking said Proc amation and excluding the lands thereby affected in a manner authorized by the Act approved September thirtieth, **’*”·P·m· nineteen hundred and thirteen; Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United mf·g';‘§jg§f{“‘{g;‘?f”m· States of America, do proclaim and make known that the said ’ ` Proclamation of March first, nineteen hundred and thirteen, is hereby revoked and annulled and declared to be of no effect, and that in virtue of the authority in me vested by the Act of Congress apgoved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, entitled ‘ Act making zkrzpropriations for sundry civil e?enses of the government for the cal year ending June thirtiet , eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes," the areas indicated as eliminations on the diagram attached to and forming a part of said Proclamation of March first, nineteen hundred and thirteen, shall be excluded from the Nebraska National Forest to take effect October first, nineteen hundred and thirteen; And I do further proclaim and make known that in my judgment °p§;f§’$,°dsj{,'j;‘,i,*{;§° it is proper and necessary in the interest of equal opportunity and good administration that for the period of ninety ays from and including October first, nineteen hundred and thirteen, the public lands not otherwise withdrawn or reserved, and to which there is now no valid, subsisting right, to be excluded from the Nebraska National Forest by this Proclamation, shall, during such period and in the manner hereinafter provided, be disposed of to actual settlers only under the provisions of the homestead laws as amended by the Act "°‘·”·¥’·5“· of April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and four (33 Stat., 547), and Acts amendatory thereof, and pursuant to the authority conferred on me b the aforesaid Act of September thirtieth, nineteen **””· P- **3- hundred and thirteen, I do hereby direct and provide that such lands shall, from and includindg October first, nineteen hundred and Dm °'°¤°"’”8· thirteen, and until and inclu mg December twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, be entere , settled upon and occupied in the following mamier and not otherwise: _ 1. All persons qualified to make homestead entry for said lands ,,,,fif,§`,’,‘{"°°"°"°'°""1f under said Act of April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and four, c_{Qg;g {Qg,§>,*g$ °PP'* and Acts amendatory thereof, may, on and after October thirteen, V¤1- 37. r· 651·` nineteen hundred and thirteen, and prior to and including October twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, but not thereafter, present to James W. Witten, Superintendent of the Open§g, in erson or to someone desi ated b him, at any of the cities of orth Flatte, Broken Bow or Vagfitine, Nyebraska, sealed envelopes containing their a plications for re tration to enter the lands in the former Fort bliobrara Military lggervation in Nebraska, and all such applications shall be treated as and shall have the effect of larpplications to enter the lands hereby excluded from the Nebraska ational Forest, and all persons who apply to enter lands within the former Fort Niobrara Military Reservation, and who comply with the rules and regulations that have heretofore been adopted, or may hereafter be prescribed, by the Secretary of the Interior for the disposition of the said lands in the