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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/751

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1958 r>RocLAMA·rroNs, 1913. former Fort Niobrara Military Reservation, and who draw numbers entitling them to make entry of the said lands in the former Fort N1o- brara Military Reservation, may elect to enter the lands to be excluded October iirst, nineteen hundred and thirteen, from the Nebraska National Forest, and they shall, if properly qualified, be entitled to enter such lands in the order in which their apphcations to enter the lands within the former Fort N iobrara Military eservation shall have §,jg@;°g,,8,°c,_,0u been drawn and numbered: Provided, That no such person shall be ' required to make entry of the lands to be excluded from the Nebraska National Forest, but all those who do so elect and enter such lands imder such drawing shall waive their rights to thereafter enter under such drawing the lands in the former Fort Niobrara Military Reservation, the purpose being to extend the privilege of entry gained by the drawin to either the former Fort Nrobrara Military Reservation or the Negraska National Forest exclusion but to limit the right under m°°*- the drawing to one right of entry: And Provided Further, That no formal notice of election to enter the Nebraska National Forest lands shall be required and no waiver of right to enter the lands within the former Fort Niobrara Military Reservation be exacted, the entry of one effecting a waiver of right to enter the other under the drawing. R°“*'i°°*°”°· 2. No envelope shall contain more than one applgation for registration or any aper other than the application. f of naturalization and of msitary service and other proof required (as in case of second homestead entries) will be exacted before the entry is allowed, but should not accompanyathe application for registration, and no person can present more t n one application in his own behalf and one as the agent for a soldier or said or, or for thewidow or minor orphan children of a soldier or sailor, as hereinafter provided. R°‘1“i'°'¤*¤'=- 3. Each application for registration must be on a lank form prescribed b the Superintendent and show the applicant’s name, post office addliess, age, height and weight, and be sworn to by him at North Platte, Broken Bow or Valentine, Nebraska, before some notary public designated by the Superintendent and not otherwise. w{},{’g§g°g*},°;’umf’°“ 4. Persons who were honorably discharged after ninety days' service in the Army, Navy or Marine Co of the Unite States during the War of the Rebellion, the Spanx-American War, or the Philippine Insurrection, or their widows or minor orphan children, may make their applications for re tration either in person or through their duly apgpinted agents, gilt no person can act as a ent for more than one suc ap(plicant, and all applications presented by agents must be signed an sworn to by them at one of the places named and in the same manner in which other applicants are requ1r·ed to swear to and present their applications. D’¤"*¤¤- _ 5. BBglI1I1]I£' at ten o’clock, a. m., on October twenty-e` hth, nineteen hun ed and thirteen, at the said city of North Plliitte, Nebraska, and continuing thereafter from day to day, Sundavs excepted, as long as may be necew , there shall be impartially taken and selected indrscriminatelymlrom the whole number of envelopes_s0 presented such number thereof as may be necessary to carry mto effect the provisiorm of this Proclamation, and the applications for registration contained in the envelopes so selected s all, when correct in form and execution, be numbered serially in the order in which they are selected, beginning with number one, and the numbers thus assiglned shall fix and control the order in which the persons named therein may make entry after the lands _ shall become subject to entry. q};g§;”¤f" S°°°°“‘“* 6. A list of the successful applicants showing the number assigned to each of them be conspicuously posted and furnished to the press for publication as a matter of news and a proper notice will be promptly mailed to each person to whom a number is assigned,