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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/753

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1960' PROCLAMATIONS, 1913. glfiice witihsthpuhrepomgengatggns. ;_Pr}pper notatipn shlall be lpiade on e recor 0 the oca an 0 ces 0 therecei t 0 suc app cations, but no such application shall be placed of record except upon the_0rder of the Commissioner of the General Land Office. alpplication to enter by one claiming the right under the drawing provided for ni this Proclamation including land previous% applied for but prior to the disposition of such prior apphcation w` be suspended and the applicant lpotiiieil (pg? the coniiict and that he may, within ten days, enter anot er an erent tract. °°°°P"*°Y· 10. None of the lands opened under this Proclamation shall become subject to_ settlement an entrgrprior to nine o’clock, a._m., on December thirtreth, nineteen hun ed and thirteen, except m the man- · 5 ner prescribed herein, and all persons are admomshe not to make any settlement Iilrior to that hour on lands not covered by entries or

dg' *1******** iilin made by them under this Proclamation. At nrne o’clock, a. m.,

` p;1nd%Seceml:$· thiqrtietlgsnlgngeteien hundred ang thirteen, lac? of the 0 un er t oc amation not otherwise wit rawn or reservecixlallnd which have not been entered or filed upon in the manner herein provided will become sub'ect to settlement and entry under the provisions of the land laws applicable thereto. R°¤“'°“°°*· 11. The Secretary of the Interior shall make and prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary and proper to carry this Proclamation into full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aflixed. Done at the City of Washington this thirtieth day of Se tember in the year of our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and [sian,.] thirteen, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-eighth. B h P d Woonaow Winsor: y the resident: W. J. BRYAN Secretary of State.

 Br rm: Pnnsmnsr or run Urvrrrzn Surns or Amuzrca,

A PROCLAMATION. m§;*;f,*;Q;f*¤ °' mlm WHEREAS, an Act of Congress approved March fourth, nineteen emma. hundred and thirteen, entitled ‘ An Act making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the iiscal year endilng June thirtieth, ninetifen hundred and fourteen" (37 Stat., 847), contains provisions as o ows: u;’r;;f';iqg§3{¤ ·*°’ °’ Ag wiggd v(;ild_ swans, bganti mgilld ducks,t snipe, ploveig v¤1.a1,p.w. woo coe , , igeons, an a o er mi a insectivorous birds which in their northern an§Tso1(itlie§1iimrriig1rihtions pass through or do not remain rpermanently the entire year Evithmdthe llzordegliplf tiny Stpts or derr1tory,shaUfh§regter be eeme 0 e wx e cus o y an protectrono t - mer? of the Unit1ed_Stat§s, and fshall not 5>eddp1strc}yedBorO1?ia,l:re1n con r to regu ations ereina ter provi ther . Theugepartment of Agriculture is hereliiy authbriihed and directed tohagopt suitalble regugaggins to lgivel effect to the previgus paragrap y prescrr mg an ing c ose aso , · ¤» regard to the zones of temperature, breedinzehaliils, gridnitlimleg and line of rnigratorviihrht, thereb enablin the de artment to . - lv . Y P . select and designate suitable districts for ifferent portions of the country, and it shall be unlawful to shoot or by any device