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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/752

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rnoonamnrrons, 1913. 1959 inforrnirglg him of the place and date he must appear to make his selection_m e event he elects to enter the land restored by this Proclamation, and advising him that 1f he prefers to enter the lands within the former Fort Niobrara Military eservation and fails to a pear at the time and place designated to make his selection for the lands to be excluded y this Proclamation from the Nebraska National Forest, a further notice will be %ven him of his ht to enter the lands the former Fort iobrara Militaryijglieservation on or after April first, nineteen hundred and fourteen. 7. Beginning at nine o’clock, a. m., on November seventeenth, D“"'*”¤'· nineteen hundred and thirteen, at the place to be Bxed by the Secretary of the Interior and continuing thereafter until all the numbers drawn are called as hereinafter provided for, persons holding numbers assigned to them under the drawing for the lands in the former Fort Niobrara Military Reservation, which shall constitute their right to make entries for the lands to be excluded October first, nineteen hundred and thirteen, by this Proclamation from the Nebraska National Forest, will be permitted to designate, in the following manner, the tracts desired: When a person’s name is called he must at once select the tract he S°'•¢¤¤¤¤.¤¤=- desires to enter and will be allowed ten days following date of selection to complete entry at the proper local land office. All entries made under this drawing must, as far as possible, embrace only lands listed as one tract and no applicant will be permitted to omit any unentered part of a listed tract from his lgpplication for the purpose of including therein a part of another or d' erent listed tract. An applicant may, if he desires to enter less than six hundred and forty acres, apply for any legal subdivision or subdivisions, compact in form, of a listed tract. Where entries have been made for portions of listed tracts the fractions remaining ma{lbe embraced in a single entry, if it conforms to the requirement of the Act of April twenty-eighth, nineteen hun- "°'·¤»P·547· dred and four. During the said period of ten days the a§>licant P°Y'¤°¤*¤- must Ble his homestead appllication at thpupgoper local land office, accompanying the same wit the pifper g fees and commissions, In case of eclaratory statements owable under this Proclamation the Bling fees must be paid within the ten days following date of selection, the arty having six months after Bling within which to complete entry. Sbldiers or sailors, or their widows or minor orphan chil ren, malnng homestead entry of these lands must make paiyment of fees and commissions as is required of other entijgmen. o qprson can select more than one tract, or present more t an one app `cation to enter, or Ble more than one dec aratory statement in his own behalf. S. If any person fails to designate the tract he desires to enter on F°*"°*“¤°· the date assigned to him for t at purpose, or if, having made such designation, e fails to perfect it by making entry or Bling and pay- ments, as above provided, or if he presents more t an one application for registration, or presents an application in any other than his true name, he will forfeit his right to make entry or Bling under the drawing Bxinglthe order of entry under this Proclamation. A H _ 9. Persons aving valid, subsisting rights to enter any portion of m§§n?1{LT’¤i§°§t§T°* the lands in that part of the Nebraska National Forest to be excluded October first, nineteen hundred and thirteen under this Proclamation, and those who have referential rights to make additional entries VI within such areas undler the provisions of the second section of the °'3°’°‘5°7‘ Act of April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and four (33 Stat., 547), may file their applications on or after October first, nineteen hundred and thirteen, and should make such applications as promptly _ _ after such date as they can conveniently do so. Such ap lications D'$P°°‘“°’L will be received by the Register and Receiver of the Kroger lbcal land office and at once forwarded to the Commissioner of the eneral Land