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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/755

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1962 PROCLAMATIONS, 1913. Rmunauon 3. Cnosnn Snasox ON Iusmorivonous Brsns. Cmggd =¤¤¤¤¤ °¤ *“· A closed season on migratory insectivorous birds shall continue to “;i»¢,r;i1i<L’.ds' December 31, 1913, and each year thereafter shall begin anuary 1 and continue to December 31, both dates inclusive, provided t at nothing in this or any other of these regulations shall be construed to prevent the issue of permits for collecting birds for scientific purposes in accordance with the laws and relginglations m force_m the respective States and Territories and the tnct of Columbia; and rovided further that the closed season on reedbirds or ricebirds in {dar land, the District of Columbia, Virginia, and South_ Carohna. shall, begin November 1 and end August 31 next following, both dates inclusive. RmoUm·r1oN 4. Frvmrnan (gmsnn Snasous ON Cnnram Gaim mns. ,,,,,“,§§*,,,,,,,’°“,,,°"{,°,‘;‘,,,’°°‘ A closed season shall continue until September 1, 191s, on the fol- ` lowing migratory game birds: Band-tailed pigeons, httle brown, sandlull, and w coping cranes, swans, curlew, and all shorebirds except the black—breasted and lgclden plover, Wilson or jack smpe, woo cock, and the greater and esser yellowleg. A closed season shall also continue until ptember 1, 1918, on wood ducks in Maine, New Hamypshire Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New ork New Jersay, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, isconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas, California, Oregon and ashingten; on rails in California and Vermont; and on woodcock in Illinois and Missouri. Rmonnarroiw 5. Cnosnzo Snason ON Cnnram Navroannn Rrvmzs. my *¤°¤ °¤ °¤’· A closed season shall continue between January 1 and December 31, wm? both dates inclusive, of each year, on all migratory birds assing over or at rest cn any of the waters of the main streams of the following navigable rivers, to wit: The Mississippi River between Minneapolis, Minn., and Memphis, Tenn.; and the Missouri River between Bismarck, N. Dak., and Nebraska City, N ebr. ; and on the killing or capture of any of such birds on or over the shores of any of said rivers, or at any point within the limits aforesaid, from any boat, raft, or other device, floating or otherwise, in or on any such waters. Rnom.A·r1oN 6. Zoims. ”°¤••°**¤‘>“¤¤•°· The following zones for the rotection of migra° to me and insectivorous birds are hereby esgblishedz U ga Zone N0. 1 the breeding zone, comppising States lyin whcllv or in plart north of latitude 40 and the O `o River and mcE1d' Maine, ew Hamgvshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island,.§nnecticut, New ork, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, and Washin%on——25 States. _ _ one No. 2, the wintering zone, comprising States lying wholly or in part south of latitude 40 and the O io River and includiprg Delaware, Maryland, the District of Columbia, West Virginia, ' , North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, ississnppi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas O ahoma, Kansas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah——23 States and the District of Columbia. REGULATION 7. CONSTRUCTION. mfggfd ’°°°°¤·’ °°°‘ For the purposes of regulations 8 and 9, each period of time therein Slrescribed as a closed season shall be construed to include the first y and to exclude the last day thereof.