PROCLAMATIONS, 1913. 1963 Rmounarron 8. Cnosnn SEASONS IN Zomu No. 1. · Closed seasons in Zone No. 1 shall be as follows: zgfgf) IMM in Wate1f¢rwZ.—The closed season on waterfowl shall be between De- Wasa·i¤»J1. cember 16 and September 1 next following, except as follows: P°"’p‘2°33‘ t Exceptions: Ip M3.s§achus•.=gtl2ts tge closed season shall be beween anuary an e tem er 1 . In New York, except Ilong Island, the closed season shall be between December 16 and September 16. On Lonilsland and in Oregon and Washington the closed season shall be etween January 16 and October 1. I31 bl? ew J grsey the glosed season shall be between February 1 an ovem er 1; an In Minnesota, North Dakota., South Dakota, and Wisconsin the closed season shall be between December 1 and Se tember 7. Rails.——The closed season on rails, coots, and shall be be- R¤i¤=- tween December 1 and S¢;ptember 1 next following, except as follows: Exceptions: In L assachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island the closed season shall be between December 1 and August 15. In Connecticut, Michigan, and New York, and on Long Island the closed season shall be between December 1 and September 16. In Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin the closed season shall be between December 1 and Se tember 7; and J In Oregon a1&dOl;Vaibington the closed season shiall be between anuary 16 an to er 1. ' Woodcock.—The closed season on Woodcock shall be between De- W°°d°¤¤k- cember 1 and October 1 next followipg, except as follows: e.Exf§S‘L`£l°%'XaI§¤%°°llZl‘$Ja¤“13’“°h¤ctm“§'£°i’2L‘&doa0N°"b.;l°{?»°’ e c s e . IndR§ode Iiand the (plosed season shall be between December 1 an ovem er r an b In Penp)sylva1Bia and oéigoni Island the closed season shall be t r 1 an cto er 15. Sh0$·ewI;liil·i11s.j?ll%hHe glosed season on black-breasted and golden Shore birds plover, jacksnipe or Wilson smpe and greater and lesser yellow legs shs;llHbe between December 16 and, September 1 next following, except as o ows: Exceptions: In Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and ondLXng Island the closed season sha be between D b 1- 1 an ugust 15. 8f¤$INe(i§)Yorki) except (llosxgg Islgnd, (the closed season shall be b t cem er 1 an ptem er 1 . 8Il1vlV(li1nne;ota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin the closed season shall be between December 1 and September 7; and In Oregon and Washington the closed season s all be between December 16 and October 1. Rnormarxox 9. Cnosnn Smsoxs in Zoran No. 2. Closed seasons in Zone No. 2 shall be as follows: zgluqsgj zeeawns i¤ Wate1j'owZ.—The closed season on waterfowl shall be between Jan- wmgsbwz. uary 16 and October 1 next following, exceptres followg; l Pm, p. mm. Exceptions: In_Delaware,_}Iaryland, W n·g1n18.£l\orth Carolina, ltlagagriag Louiimnai _Q._nd Tixasi the closed season ween ruarv an 1 ovem er . S In tlile District off Coliimbia, Kansas, New Mexico, and West girginiai) the closed season shall be between December 16 and e )tem r 1. ln Flogida, Georgia, and South Carolina the closed season shall be between February 16 and November 20.
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