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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/759

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1966 PROCLAMATIONS, 1913. of His gracious and beneficent providence. We have not only had eace throughout our own borders and with the na.tions of the world but that peace has been brightened by constantly multiplying evidences of genuine friendship, of mutual sympathy and understanding and of the happy opleration of many elevating influences both of ideal and of practice. _ e nation has eendprosperous not only but has proved IES capacity to take calm couns amidst the rapid movement of affairs and deal with its own life in a slpirit of candor, righteousness, and coxnityin We have seen the practic completion of a Igreat work at the Is us of Panama which not only exemplifies the nation’s abundant resources to accomplish what 1t will an the distinguished skill argd capacity of public servants but alslebprplmislegs the begin- ` o a new age o new contacts, new neig or oo , new sympaéies, new bonds, and new achievements of cooperation and peace. ‘Righteousness exalteth a nation" and “peace on earth, good will towards men" furnish the only foundations upon which can be built the lasting achievements of the human spirit. The year has brought us the satisfactions of work well done and fresh visions of our duty umu N which will make the work of the future better still. wm, 191&app:i:1°tTd NOW, THEREFORE, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of the gufhgflmgf ¤°"“"' United States of America, do hereby designate Thursday the twenty- seventh of November next as a day of thanksgiving and prayer, and invite the people throughout the land to cease from their wonted Ecupationgl in several homes and places of worship render to m ty . IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aflixed. Done at thetgity of WQ_ashingtpr:1 this tv§enty-t(l;ird day o€1?;ltobe5· m eyearo our r onethousand nme un an [sum,.] thirteen and of the independence of the United States of America the one hundred and thirty-eighth. Woonaow WILSON By the President: W. J. BRYAN Secretary of Stale.

 Br run Pansmnnr or rms: Umrnn Srxrms or Aimmoa.

A PROCLAMATION. ,:{}g;·}fgj{}d'¤¤ R°=**=’· Whereas, by_Executive Order dated August 25, 1877 all the even- P¤¤¤¤1b¤•· pzurnrberzeg siptignlg agd gig tl§ t;nis§urve5;1eTpo1étio11§·'s oflgll`. 2f SH R. 1 .; . ., . .; . ., . .;an .3 ., .2 .,oteSan Bernardino Meridian, except Sections 16 and 36, and except all tracts the title to which has assed from the United States Govemment, were withdrawn from s25e and settlement and set apart as a reservation for Mission Indian purposes; and Whereas, by Executive Order dated March 9, 1881, all the unsurveyed portions of T. 2 S., R. 1 E., San Bernardino Meridian, in Cahforma, except any tract or tracts the title to which has assed out of the United States were withdrawn from sale and settllement and set apart as a reservation for Indian purposes; and von 26,P. nz. Whereas, the Commission appointed under the provision of the Act of Congress_approved January 12, 1891, entitled "An Act for the rehef of the Mission Indians in the State of California" (United States Statutes at Large, Volume 26, page 712), selected for the