PROGLAMATIONS, 1913. 1965 Br rm: Pansmnur or rmi Uivrrnn Srrarns or- AMERICA °¤°¤*>¤¤‘1*»*913- A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, by section 2 of an Act of Congress a roved June 8, °*b’m° N¤**°¤¤* 1906 (34 Stat. 225), the President was authorized "ii)iphis discretion M‘i>1ig¤°iiié.C°I` to declare by public proclamation historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific interest that are situated u on the lands owned or controled by the Government of the United) States to be national monuments, and ma reserve as a part thereof lparcels of land, the limits of which in ah cases shall be confined to the smallest area compatible with the proper care and management of the objects to be protected" ; AND WHE EAS, when Cabrillo sailed into San Deigo Bay on the 28th day of September, 1542, Point Loma was the first land sighted; and The Order of Panama, an organization composed of representative citizens of Southern Ca.lifornia, has applied for permission to construct a heroic statue of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, the discoverer of California, on Point Loma which lies within the military reservation of Fort Rosecrans, California, and has requested that a suitable site be set a art for such monument; NOWPTHEREFORE, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United M°¤“¤*°¤*· States of America, under authority of the said Act of Congress do v¤1.:¢4,}». zzs. hereb reserve as a site for the said monument, the following described parcefof land situated on Point Loma within the limits of the military reservation of Fort Rosecrans, California, and do hereby declare and grzpclaim the same to be a national monument to commemorate the ' covery of California by Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, on the 28th day of September, 1542, viz: · B ` at a monument 53 ft. from Southeast corner of the D°•°'*P“°¤· Old hthouse, Point Loma (true az. 6° 26'): thence, true az. 292° 50', 25 feet; thence, true az. 234° 09’, 36 feet; thence, true az. 210° 47’, 35 feet; thence, true az. 191° 14’, 53 feet; thence, true az. 175° 56', 57 feet; thence, true az. 159° 26’, 33 feet; thence, true az. 138° 29’, 115 feet; thence true az. 7° 39', 170 feet; thence, true az. 349° 56', 43 feet; thence, true az. 337° 58', 25 feet; thence, true az. 332° 14', 35 feet, to the point of beginning; containing 21,910 square feet, more or less. The area above comprises all the parcel of ground within the loop of the Point Loma Boulevard where it encircles the Old Li hthouse, but does not include any of the roadway. IN WITN ESS WHEREOF, I have ereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this fourteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thir- [sun.] teen, and the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-eighth. Woomzow W1Ls0N By the President: W. J . BRYAN Secretary of State. Br mn Pansmmwr or um Umrnn Srarss or Aimmca. °¤¢¤¤¤2*» 19*3- A PROCLAMATION. The season is at hand in which it has been our long respected custom m}1}¤=*¤kSgi*i¤g my- as a peiplple to turn in praise and thanksgiving to Aluirigrlhty God for iismblo. his ma old mercies and blessings to us as a nation. gear that has just passed has been marked in a peculiar degree by ma estations
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