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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/767

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1974 PROCLAMATIONS, 1913. Sec. 3. The spaces framed in round the funnels and the spmes required for the admission of light and air into the engme rooms shall be exempted from measurement to the extent at such spaces are above the deck or covermiof the first or lowest tier of side-to-side erections, if any, on the upper deck. A dec with one or more deck openings (usually des1gnated_as tonnage opemngstglthat may be se closed as to_perm1t carge or stores to be carried m the_ space rmder e deck or portrons thereof 1B te be considered ss the uppier deck, provided that no space beneath It abreast side opemngs is exempted under e provisions of section 2. _'l‘here shall, however, be_measured and mc uded wrthm gross tonnage the sl aces situated within closed-in srde-to-side erections on the up r deck, spaces framed in round the funnels and those required for the admission 0 light and air to the extent that such light and air and funnel spaces are below the deck or covering of the first or lowest tier of such side-to-side erections on the upper deck. There shall be exempted from the measurement of any superstructure or erection situated above the first or lowest tier of side-to·side erections on the upper deck such portion or portions thereof as are occupied by the spaces framed 1H round the frmnels or by the spaces required for the admission of light and air into the engine moms. Such exempted spaces must not be used for any other than their designated purpose and must be reasonable in extent. Sec. 4. Space or spaces between the inner and outer plating of the double bottom of a vessel that are so inclosed and that have such opemngs as to make them usable only for water ballast shall be exempted from measurement; but sucgiegpaces within the double bottom as are or may be_ used for cargo, stores, f water, coal, orother fuelshall bemeasured and mcludedm tonnagp. _ _ Sec. 5. The cubical contents of hatchrjaays be obtained by multiplying the length and breadth together and the p act lg the mean depth taken from the top of beam to the underside of the hatch. From e te tonnage of the hatchways shall be deducted one·half of 1 per cent oi the vessel’s gross tonnage, exclusive of hatchyvays, and only the remain er shall be added to the gross tonnage of the ship exclusive of the tonnage of the hatchwsys. Sec. 6. (lompsmonways and companion houses shall be exem ted when used solely as companionways or companion houses. When used as smolging moms or for any other purposes than compamonways or companion houses, the parts so used shall be measured and mcluded_m grom tonnage. _ Sec. 7. Qomes and skylrghts shall be exempt from measru·ement. When there rs an opening m the floor of a superstructure rmmedraiely below a skylight, the exemption shall include the space between the skylight and the opening m the floor of the superstructure immedxately under the slrylrglit. The remainder of the superstructure shall be included in the measurement. e ce , m addrtron to the sky- light, that may be exempted by [IHS rule is that indicatesgly A, B, C, D in the follow. mg drawing: Sky/{qhf A C D Room receiviny /xy/of fkcm Sky/ig/ri:

Fra. 12.-0psn specs under skylight. Exvmptsd Sp¤¢·$[ if Am-. V. Should a vessel at any time stow cargo of any kind, brmker coal or other

 t° gel; er stores 0; any;BdiescrgptioAr;t in   whatever of any exempted space,

pm.%¤Z%`Zi‘“&$s?;% .,£ii’p..°§ mil; definjed £’.?';£’2 lt? T¤’$1°°i°£Q3p?2)d°$kt1“°” rules, the whole of thargepace shall be measured and added to the grom.tonna(ge, atdd Spam available for thexelpracprlshaél not tl? thter be exemptecllfrom measurement. sha . . paces or euseor ss1 euseo passe rs llnot beexern ted u,,m’“S°"*p,§Q mt W b° from measurement except as stated ff Article IV, section lliaragraph (a). P In case of army an Navy transports, collisrs guplply shiips, and hospital ships as degneell m Article I, the term "passengers" shall mc u e a officere, enlisted men,

§E;?n¢§'1ap€1'¤0DB who are not assigned to duty and who are not duly inscribed on the

'¥`¤¤¤¤s¤ ¤1>¤¤Whi¤¤ cr. VII. If any ship carries stores timber, cattle, or other cargo in an ace aww, °§,,, °,,‘;§,.¤§‘g§”*{:; upon an open deck not permanently cdvered or in spaces exempted under grt€pIV, xedwcupied gy ¤;¤rgo Sec. 1, Pause; and (b) o these rules, all tolls and other charges payable on the vessel’s Spaces nxvgeemgfmdg net tonn? _ ll be payable upon the vessel’s net tonnage (as defined below in Articles mvgm and closed im X and X ) increased y the tonnage of the space occupied (at the time at which the tolls or other charges become paya le) by the goods carried upon deck and not permanently coveried or closedjm. The deck space occupied by the goods thus carried shall be determined at the time of the application of the vessel for passa through the canal and shall be deemed to be the space limited by the area occupiede by the goods and by straight lmes mclosing a rectangular space sufficient to include the goods.