PROCLAMATIONS, 1913. ‘ 1975 The tonnage of the space occgiipied by the goods shall be ascertained in the manner prescribed below by rticle I , Rule I, for the measurement of poops or other closedm ces.
in this article shall in any manner affect the provisions of Articles II, III,
an . Am. VIII. The cubics.1 contents of the spaces included, by these rules, in 1i¤¤¤r¤m»mt ¤f tim tonnage may, m any country where the Moorsom system of measurement has @1: °“bi°“lms°°“b*:"‘f’ uf: adopted, be ascertained imder that system as agplied in measuring vessels for §¤qr5om ygysing in national registry, providedjzhat system is substantia y similar to the Moorsom system ¤¤•=h<¤>¤¤¤’Y M by ¤• of measurement as set forth in Article IX of these rules. Ama IX. _In countries that have not adopted the Moorsom system of measuring R¤l¤¤ bf ¤1• ¤1¤¤- spaces withm vessels, the cub1cal contents of any of the spaces included in gross mt °‘°°“°‘“ °' tonnage shall be ascertained according to the Moorsom system as set forth in the ` tollowmv rules: Rule I for the measurement of empty vessels; Rule II for laden vessels; itule III for open vessels. Bunn I.-For measuring the gross tonnage of empty vessels. m,§m';‘;‘{°‘0';h°°'1j‘1‘;f‘t;‘ . VGSS . _ wow 1£hThtg lengtlil fo; the;11 sdlineasurement of ships having one or more decks 18 en on e nnage ec , w c isag The upper deck for vesels having one or two decks. b The racorfd deck aim stglow for vessels having morgtthau two easure eengtho e pmas tine 0 eu rsi eo etonnsge deck from the inside of the inner plank laverage th1P5rnem)l;It€the side of the stem to_the inside of the midship stern timber or plank there, as the case may be (ave thickness), deductirf from this length what is due to the rake of the bow in the ness of the deck an what is due to the rake of the stem timber in the thicknem of the deck, and also what IB due to the rake of the stem timber in one—third of the round of the beam; divide the length so taken into the number of equal parts required by the followiniitable, according to the class in such table to which the ship belongs: 50(élsss11: S ps gi whi<g)1;.he tglnnage deck is, according to the above measurement, eet or un er, in equ parts. Class of which the tonnage deck is, according to the above measurement, above 50 feet_ ong and not exceeding 120 feet, mto 6 equal parts. Class 3: Ships of which the tonnage deck 1s, to the above mmurement, above 120 feet long and not exceeding 180 feet, mto 8 equal parts. Class 4: Shqis o which the tonnage deck 1s,_a¢e0rding to the above measurement, above 180 feet ong and not exceeding 225 feet, mto 10 equal parts. _ bClsss 5 ?h1p{n o whxghlghe ltglnnage deck IS, eccording to the above measurement, s ove 22 act 0 , in parts. In the case of ggireak or ggeaks in a doublebottom for water ballast, the length of the vessel is to be taken in parts according to the number of breaks, and each part
a numbfzr of equal parts according to the class m the above table to
w 'c suc ength be on . Sec. 2. Then the holds being first sufficiently cleared to admit of the depths and breadths being properly taken, (ind the trgnsverse area of the s ip at each point of division of the ength or each point of division of the parts of the length, ss the case may require, as follows: Measure the de&tl1 at each point of division, from a point at a distance of one·third of the round of e beam be ow the tonnage deck, or, in case ci a break, below s. line stretched in continuation thereof to the upper side of the door timber (upper side of the inner plating of the double bottom) at the inside of the limber stmke after deducting the average thickness of the ceiling which is between the bilge planks and the limber stmke, subject, however, to the provisions of these rules, Article IV, section 4, regarding the measurement or exemption of double-bottom es. In the case of 2. ship constructed with a double·bott0m for water ballast if the space between the inner and outer plating thereof is not available for the carriage of cargo, stores, feed-water, coal, or other fuel, then the degath shall be tsken to be the upper side of the inner plating of the d0uble·bottom, an that upgzrr side shall, for the pu es of measurement, be deemed to represent the iioor tim of the vessel. This mor measuring the depth of the hold applies to double-bottom ships having top of double bottom not horizontal. _ _ If the depth at the midship division of the length does not exceed 16 feet, divide each depth into 5 egual parts; then measure the msgde horizontal breadth at each of the four points of division, and also at the upper point of the depth, egztending each measurement to the avant? thickness in that gart of the Céllillg which xs between the points of measurement. umber these b the from above (i. e., numbering the upper breadth 1 , and so on down to the Efth breadth); multiply the second and fourth by 4, and the third by 2; add these products together, an to the sum add the lirst breadth and the fifth. Multiply the quantity thus obtained by one-third of the common interval between the breadths, and the product shall be deemed the transverse area of the u per part of the section; then End the area between the fifth and lower point of the depth by dividing the depth between such points into four equal parts, and measure the horizontal breadths at the three points of division and also at the
1 A greater number ot divisions is permissible provided there be sn even number of divisions.