1978 PROCLAMATIONS, 1913. ‘ ’ engm' eers, doctors. a thec , sick attendants, sailors, apprenirbcisihdgegigigicrglgcmmcs, and wireless opleoratorscllbrut shall not include clerks, pursers, stewards, and other members of the personnel pr0y1ded by the ship for the care of the passengers. The spaces or cozggaartzrnents occup1ed_ by the officers and crew shall mclude their berthing accomm tions, spaces provided for medical attention, mess rooms, ward and rooms, bath an wash moms, watenclosets, latnnes, lavatories, or privies for their exclusive use, and passageways exclusively serving these Sn? 2. On hospital ships the spaces or compartments occupied by doctors, apothe- . car , and sick attendants du.l inscribed on the ship’s rolls, shall form part of the duhiction under section 1 of article. Bhigsces provided for the med1cal attention , of the oi·Hcers and crew of a hospital ship hkewnse be deducted; but spaces fitted for the transportation, or for the medical attenuon, of other persons than those duly listed in the ship’s rolls shall not be deducted. _ Sec. 3. The space occupied by the master’s cabin shall be deducted. _ Sec. 4. Cook houses, galleys, bakeries, laundnes, and rooms for 1ce machines when used exclusively to serve the officers and crevr, and the condenser space, and
rooms, when used exclusively for condensing and d1Sli1ll1Dg the water for
the officers and crew, shall be deducted. _ Sec. 5. S aces used for the anchor gear, steering gear, and capstan; the wheel house, the dpynamo rooms; the chart room used exclusively for keeping charts, signals, and other instruments of navigation; lookout houses; spaces for keeping electric searchlights and wireless telegraph éappliances; and other spaces actually used in the navigation of the ship, shall be d ucted. Such spaces upon vessels of commerce as may be devoted to the mounting of guns and to the stowxe of ammunition for the gms thus mounted shall be deducted. The deduction of _ spaces, other than those evoted to the mounting of ws, enumerated in this section must be reasonable m extent and be subject $1 the 'tlaetaoni below in Art1cletXI. 2} Sec.6.Incase0a ro woy y ',any e,no exc ’ per cent of the gross tonnagefiigedlgrclnrsively for storage of be d . Sec. 7. Spaces used exclusively for boatswaixfs stores shall be deducted. The deduction is not, however, to exceed 1 per cent of the gross tonnage in of 1,000 tons gross and upwards, nor more than 75 tons in any ship however largre; n•vessels from500to1,000tonsgrossthelimitisiixedat10tonsandinvessels m 150 1:0500 tons at not mare than 2 per cent of the gross tonnage. In vessels under 150 tons at not more than 3 ns. Sec. 8. The space occupied by donkey engine and boiler shall be deducted if the donkey engine and boiler are connected with the main pumps of the ship, or if they are located in a permanently covered or closed-in structure on or above the upper deck. Sm. 9. Passages and passageways shall be deducted if they serve deducted spaces exclusively for the officers and crew. Ssc. 10. Water-ballast spaces, other than spaces in the vessel’s double bottom, shall be deducted if they are adapted onltifor water ballast, have only ofd.l.l'.\£.\Y manholes foraccess and are not availa le for e carriage of cargo, stores, or fue]. f used to carry oil or other fuelbthese spaces shall be regarded as part of the vesse1’s fuel spue and shall not be su ject to separate deduction. The markirm wd An·r._XI. Ikch of the spaces enumerated in Article X, sections 1 to 10, unless Q}? g §§°§§ otherwise specincally stated, shall be subject to such conditions and requirements mtxomn mw;. as to marking or designation and use or purpose as are contained in the na tion or regmtry of the several countries, but no space, other than fuel pacesvlgducted under Article XIII of thae rules, shall be deducted unless the use to which it is to be exclusively devoted has been appropriately desiinated by official markin . In no case, however, shall an arbitrary maximum limit e fixed to the aggregate geduction made under Article X. (B) nmnncmoxs ron vzssnns 1>1zorm.1.zn nr mmmzs. Anr. XII. The net or er tonnage u n which tolls and other charges based upon tonnage shall be b_y vessels of corllfrnercel Army and Navy transports, col- Iners, supply slups, an hospital shi , as deiined m Article I, propelled engines, for passage through the Panama Canal, shall be the tonnage remaining after Ke following deductions have been made from the gross tonnage. One hundred cubic feet, or_2.83 cubic meters, shall constitute 1 gross or net ton. Vemels ropelled partly by sails and partl{_}by engines shall be classed as "vessels prpcpelled li) engines: " Dcdgctivnsmaecrg Srzcrroze 1. e spaces specified above in Article shall ge deducted from gb ';§fp‘;HBd by the space included ingress tonnage to ascertainnet tonnage in the case of vessels pmmggms, pelled by engines as m the case o vessels not propelled by engines. Ssc. 2. The space occupied by the engines, boilers, coal bunkers, fuel-oil tanks, doub1e·bottom uel and_feed·water coméaartments, shaft trunks of vessels with screw prepellers, spaces, withm a c1osed·iu si e—to-side erection, that are framed in around the funnels or that are required for the introduction of light and air to the Gllgllll e room to the extent that the framed-in spmes aronmd the funnels and the light an air cgsmgs are located below the deck or covering of the first or lowest tier of such erections, ai any, on the upper deck, as delined in Article IV, section 3, and are contained m closed—m sxde-to-side erections, spaces necessary for the proper working of the