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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/772

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1>1200L.»rMAT10Ns, io. · 1979 amend 2;;:2;%*.,2:. tusaetzntuz 33 2:;%...6* ¥';°25§2?t‘ii can dary ngme room and when used in connection with the main machinery for propelling the vessel. When the shafts of screvgdpropellers pass thmuih open spmes not inclosed timnels, the spaces allow in heu of the tnmne must be of reasonable dimensions suitable for the vessel in question. When any portion of the engine or boiler moms is occupied by a tank for fresh water, the space thus taken riépnshall not be deducted. Donke ·engine and boiler spaces, when deducted acco g to Article XIV below, shall not be made a separate deduction. _ _ 'ljhs portion of the framed-megpaces around the funnels and of the light and au cssmgs that extend above the d or covering of the first or lowest tier of side-to-side erections, if any, on the upper deck, as deiined m Article IV, section 3, and surronmdmg the sagdyppace or exempted from measurement and form no part of the space ucted un er sec ou. Sec. 3. [The deductions made for propelling power, including all those provided for in section 2 of this article, shall m no case exceed 50 per cent of the gross tonnage, except in case of tugs em loyed exclusively as tugs. n other respects the spaces P . . H . . . enumerated m section 2 _ , except as otherwise specifically stated, be subject to the requirements as tpadesigmluonpg use or purpose contamed in the na ion or repistry ws o e se coun . §% ji. The eductions made for power provided for in section 2 of thigw article shalghlge made accorlging to e provisions of Article XIII or of Article XIV, owner wsse t. ' “Szc. 5. Dgible-bottoriinadloijnparunents that_are set aside to be used exclusively for the stowage of feed water for the ship’s boilers shall be deducted. Am. XIII. In ships that do not have fixed bunkers, but transverse bunkers Pfgsilins power dowith movable partitions, with or without lateral bunkers, and in slups with fuel tanks %‘}-;*k_,s‘°;;,°,'::§“gg$_j or double-bottom'fuel compartments which may be used to stow cargo or stores, ,,;,1, ggummtmmv. measure the space occupied by the engine rooms, and add to it for vessels with screw i¤€ ts tha-gu computpr?l'l;;s 75 per cent igpcl, foih vessels with paddl•:0w{)hee]sd50 per cetpgéif such_?iap)e. 3**:,0, space occu e engine roomsis eun erstood occupi _ y the Engine room itsell)and_the boiler room, together spaces strictly required for the working of the e es and boilers, with the addition of the gpaoes taken up bylsshafg make (in vesseg scirhew propellant); itlhgl wlucth arglose the fu.n· casingsecessary r e `no an airiu engrneroom lzlfthznéxtent that zugh spawcss age located below the deck bgr belpw a ecikowith I\111gB· usuall esxgna' asto mngsw ma socossdas per- $1% the cargo o1;1stort¢;1s° t£; deck or 3 thertp“ofé°3nd_donk1e1y— ngm' il spaces engme an er are si wi e bounds? of th:1. main enginguroom ol; of tyhe light and air casing above it and when they are used in connection with the main machinery for propelling the vessel. When the shafts of screw propellers pass through open spaces not inc within tunnels, the spaces allowed m lieu of tunnels must be of reasonable dimensions suitable for the vessel in question. When a portion of thtgspgce within the boundary of the engine or boiler rooms is occupied by a tank or for fuel oil or fresh water, the space considered to be within the engine room shall be reduced by the space taken upTlhy tchnliical ctgniiehiss? gr fi$l$i1¤$Lmel°“'°m occupied by the engine room e shall be ascertained in the following manner: gtasure the mean depth of the space occupied by the engines and boilers from its crowph to thiceigtnhgsatfthe limber straklp; easurelsothree ,if ,more ree, rea otes ceatte giddle oi its doptlnoiakinrg one ol such measurements at each end andpznother at the middle of the length; take the mean of such breadths; measure also the mean length of the space between the foremost and sfterrplost bulkhcplaelis or limitpming ;t,s l h, I d' h arts, 'f , as not actua occu i y or requ _ or thrdgpmgfelcvsibrhligglliit th}; ergfihezlgxd bcglgrs. Multipfy toge&er these three dimensdpns o lengtli, braidth, an drziplth, spd thelpirofluct will bl? ihlehcéupical cogtégguof ipac e crown. en, mu p ying toget e ength, and e th, finilzhe cubical contents ofythe space or spaces, if any, which are framed in for the machinery, for inclosintghthe f·unne1?,&r for the admissiondoihlgght and air, d h'h 1 tedbet ecrowno eenginerooman upermost Tlgckzr bbvgrfihgblathe first bvslzdlwest tier of side·to—side erections, if any, on the zipper deck, as defined in Art. IV, section 3. Add such contents, as well as those the space occu ied by the shaft and by any_donkey engine and boiler located within the boundary of the engine room or of the light and air casing above the engine romim spd uid infcglnnectionbgith ttlhe main epgépes for propellingithe spipzmtpntéip cui ts space ow ecrowno eengmeroom; vie e 100 ig: l;3)l1§€3l;dagco£ng gs Elie measurempplts are taken or metersé and tge t t tonnage e en ne an er room an e lhsdltodnage tikgs :1 theobagis fir calculatting the cgzlduction for propelling tlpowerx If in any ship in which the space for proglelhng power is to be measured e e1§mes 222 “€.i“"§."i§;§‘£§2'§?‘i2?$.a§g°€3$i%*i§£$3°L?§&‘§l“¥.t;?i°§£§Z.uLZi am 7 _ ; the tonnage of the sjpaces included in the several compartments shall be deemed to be the tonnage of the engine and boiler rooms, and shall e the tonnage taken as the basm for calculating the deduction for propelling power.