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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/779

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1913. 1987 Br run Pnmsmmvr or um Umrmn Srarns or Aimmca D•°°¤*‘*°"°»m¤· A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS it is made to appear to me that the United States WF'} D- A- Rm!] Military Post known as Fort D. A. Russell, in the county of Laramie, {Aman. and State of Wyoming, is supplied with water from certain reservoirs provided and maintained by the city of Cheyenne, in said county and State; and WHEREAS it has been made further and sufficiently to a pear unto me that the welfare and efficiency of the United States military forces there garrisoned will be conserved and promoted by rotection of said water supply from contamination or pollution, ang, as well, from interference therewith or disturbance thereof by acts committed upon the public lands of the United States; Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United ; States of America, by virtue of the power and authority vested in •¤PP¤v· and conferred u n me by the laws of the United States in that behalf made anrixprovided, do hereby declare andgavclaim that all of the lands hereinafter more particularly descri and being a whole or portion of the area immediately drained bg the streams supplying the above mentioned reservoirs, shall be, an the same are hereby, withdrawn from settlement, entry, sale and_ any and every other manner and form of apgropiiation or disposition under the public land laws of the Unite tates, and that said lands and all of them are and will be reserved to the United States so lor? as the continuance of such reservation shall be necessar§ to provide protection for the water supply of the said Fort D. A. _ ussell, and until such time as Congress or the President of the United States shall otherwise direct. The lands thus withdrawn and reserved are described as follows: ¤·¤¤*v¤¤¤ The north half of section two; the northwest quarter of section four; lot four and the south half of section six; the north half of section eight; in township thirteen north, rang? seventy west, Sixth Principal ltieridiang the east half of the east ha , the northwest quarter of the northeast ciluarter, the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and the sout west quarter, of section two; the south half of section four; the north half of the southeast quarter, and lots one, two, three, four, six and seven, of section six; the east half of the east half, the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the northwest qluarter, the southwest guarter of the southeast quarter, and the sout west quarter, of section eight; the north half of the north half, and the south half of the south half, of section ten; the northwest quarter of section twelve; the west half of the southwest quarter, and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, of section fourteen; lot one of section e` hteen; the northeast uarter of the northeast quarter, the southliialf of the north halz the south half of the southeast quarter, and the