1988 1>R0oLAMA’r1oNs, 1913, 1914. southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, of section twenty-two; the southwest quarter of section twenty-four; the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, and the west alf of the northwest quarter, of section twenty-six; the north half of the north half of section twenty-eight? the northwest guarter of the southeast quarter of section t ° y; in township ourteen north, range seventy west, Sixth Principal Meridian; the north half of the south half, the southeast raiarter of the southeast quarter, and the southwest quarter of e southwest quarter, of section twenty; the south half of the southwest quarter and the southeast quarter, of section twenty-two; the north half, and the southwest quarter of section twenty-eight; lot one, the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, and the southeast quarter of the southwest cgiarter, of section thirty; the south half of the north half and the south half, of section thirty-two; the northeast quarter, the north half of the northwest quarter, the west half of the southwest quarter, the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and the east half of the southeast quarter, of section thirty-four; in township fifteen north, range seventy west, Sixth Puncipal Meridian; the south half of the north half of section twom township thirteen north, range sevelrigrgone west, Sixth Principal Meridian; the south half of the north of section thirty-two; all of section thirty-four; in township fourteen north, range seventy-one west, Sixth Principal Meridian. ,,{",'d°f '*"“ F"' I do further declare and direct that the withdrawal hereby made shall be unqualified and absolute, except to the extent that any of the lands herein described may have been heretofore lawfully entered gz szgjiiired pursuant to any of the public land laws of the United a . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. · Done at the City of Washinizm this twentieth day of December in the year of our rd one thousand nine hundred and [san,.] thirteen, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-eighth. Woonnow WILSON By the President: Jomr B. Moons, Acting Secretary of State. ""““"“* ‘°‘* A PROCLAMATION. '·;*;f*‘*°°**°° *’°*¤°· WHEREAS by joint resolution "to rovide for annex1n' g the Ha- Ba x. .. ¤ m·¤.;,1»1¤.m wauan Islands to the United States,"papproved July 7, 1898, the ·"‘ cession by the government of the Republic of Hawaii to the United States of America, of all rights of sovereignty of whatsoever kind in and over the Ilawaiian Islands and their dependencies, and the transfer to the United States of the absolute fee and ownership of all public, government or crown lands, dpublic buildinis, or ediiices, ports, harbors, military equipment, an all other pub `c property of every kind and descytion elonging to the ovemment of the Hawaiian Islands, was d y accepted, ratified, angconfirrned, and the said Hawaiian Islands and their dependencies annexed as a part of the territory of the United States, and made subject to the sovereign dominion thereof, and all and sin?;lar the property and rights hereinbefore mentioned vested in the nited States of America: AN WHEREAS, it was further provided in said resolution that the existing laws of the United States relative to public lands shall
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