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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/788

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PROoLAMAT1oNs, 1914. 1993 and forming a part hereof and to exclude the areas indicated thereon as eliminations. The withdrawal made bly this proclamation shall, as to all lands mm", j ¤‘¤&¤¤ M which are at this date legal y appro riated under the public land laws ` or reserved for any public plurposefbe subject to, and) shall not interfere with or defeat leial rig ts under such appropriation, nor prevent the use for such pub `c purpose of lands so reserved, so long as such pppropriation is egally mamtained, or such reservation remains in orce. And I do further proclaim and make lmown that in my ju ent E*°’¤°•°m**¤°¤, ¤* it is proper and necessary in the interest of equal opportunity anddtgood mm w admimstration that the public lands to which there is now no valid subsisting right in the areas hereby excluded from the La Sal National Forest be restored to settlement in advance of entrg, subgect to the provisions of existing withdrawals, and pursuant to the authorit_y conferred upon me by the aforesaid Act of September thirtieth, ““·¤’· **3- mneteen hundred and thirteen, I do hereby direct and provide that such lands shall be subject to actual settlement only under the provisions of the homestead laws from and including nine o’clock, a. m. standard time, Alp;1 first, nineteen hundred an fourteen, until and includ.in§1;Aprilt ieth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, and thereafter to position under the laws ap licable thereto. _ Persons who go upon any of the lgnds to be restored as herein l provided and perform any act of settlement thereon from and includ- ing the date hereof until nine o’cl0ck, a. m., April 1, 1914, or who are on or are occupggng any part of such lands at said hour, exceptthose having valid su isting settlement rights initiated prior to reservation and since maintained, and those having preferenc§_tb`;i1ake entry imder the provisions of the Act of approv June eleventh, V°'· ‘“· P- m nineteen hundred and six (34 Stat., 233 Q considered and dealt with as t assers and preference will be ugaiven the priorlegal appl: _ cant, notl§51standing such unlawful set ment or occupancy: _ — ,,,§,§‘_"‘*““"°“° °" vided, however, that nothing herein shall prevent persons from going upon and over the lands to examine them with a view to thereafter oing upon and making settlement thereon when the lands shall gecome subject thereto m accordance with this proclamation. Per- ,,5,,;}:,,; °°*“°"’°'*‘ sons having prior settlement rights or preferences, as above defined will be allowed to make entry in conformity with existing law and re lations. illus reclamation shall not prevent the settlement and entry of ·"¤'*°“‘°“'°"•°°* any lands heretofore opened to settlement and entry under the said W 34 m Act of Congress approved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six, ‘ "°' ' entitled "An Act }l`o provide for the entry of Agricultural lands within forest reserves} _ It is not intended by this proclamation to release any land from “'°• *'°°°°“· reservation nor to reserve any land not heretofore em raced in a National Forest except the areas indicated on the diagram as eliminations and additions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United étates be aflixed. Done at the Cit of Washington this ninth day of February, in the year oiy our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, [SEAL.] and of the Independence of the United States the one hunched and thirty-eighth. Woonaow Wusou By the President: W. J. Barn: Secretary of State. 96497°-vor. 3&—l’!‘ 2-50