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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/789

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1994 PROCLAMATIONS, 1914. AM 2% 191*- Br trim Pnmsmmvr or mn Umrnn Sums on Anmmca A PROCLAMATION C°§{)g°g“° '*°'°¤°°‘” Whereas it is provided b the Constitution of the United States rmmtn. that the United tates shali protect every State m this Umon, on application of the legisgture, or og the executive (when the legislatur annot e conven against om tic vio ence; Edd whereas, the (ieoviarnor of the (SState of Colorado has represented that domestic violence exists in said State which the authorities of said State are unable to sulppress; and has represented that ig is impossible to convene the legis atiue of the State m time to meet t esent emerg n ; idiid whereas, theciaws of the United States require that in all cases of insurrection in any State or of obstruction to the laws thereof, whenever in the ]ud.gment of the President it becomes necessary to use the forces to suripress such msurrection or obstruction to the laws, he all forthwith y yifoclamation command such and retire peacea ly to their respective abodes wi a e: W“““$m° P°”°”°, ,,,1,,,**,;* Now therefore, I Woodrow Wilson President of the United ggiivs. Mc-, w dis! Stalteié do hereby_t;a§ihi1:1i0t.1i»1ish all_g00d of gw Srtattgi an persons wz eterritoryvan ono e ni States t abett o taking art in su h

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connec with said domestic violence and obstruction 0 the laws ioafdispegse rgtge pgaxeagy to their respective abodes on or ore the 1et 0 , instant. IN TESTIMONY WVHEKEOF, I have hereunto set my hand, anidjgausedtiihjg oil? United Stages to be d f A ml ne at c1ty 0 n t is twenty- a 0 ` in me year of our gid, Nineteen huiiifred andr fourtlden; [smn] and of the Inde ndence of the United States of America the one hundredm and thirty-eighth. oon Lso W W By the President: BOW I N W. J. BRYAN Secretary of State. __§;[g}f’}f·____ Br rmx Pnnsmnm or rim Unrrnn Surms or America A PROCLAMATION 8**“>’°“ N°“°”°' Whereas it a pears that the bli ipod `ll be m ted b li °- F°1$r°°2Xtii»iZi' nating from t1i)e Siskiyou N aiziiinala oresvt? Oregorii, gertainy iixnldi, and restoring the public lands therem in a manner authorized by the Am- P- U3- Act of Congress_ approved September thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, entitle "An Act To authorize the President to provide a ni1¢}th0dt{1or opening lands restored from reservation or withdrawal, an or 0 er 1u·poses"; ’§,‘j?§,{j';,‘f*,f‘§·f’°‘*· Now, therefiire, I, WQODROW WILSON, President of the United States of America, hy virtue of the wer in me vested by the Act of Congress approved 1me fourth, eigteen hundred and ninety-seven (30 tat., 11 at 34 and 36), entitle "An Act Making a propriations for sundry ·C1V]1 eirpenses of the Government for the iiscali year ending June thirtieth, eiglhteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other £_urposes", do proc aim that the boundaries of the Siskiyou National _orest are hereby changed to exclude the areas indicated as eliminations on the diagram hereto annexed and forming a part hereof.