PROCLAMATIONS, 1914. 1997 U In riiténess wheieolf I have sgiiimbyl hand and caused the seal of the mte tates to e ereunto . Done at the Cit of Washington this ninth da of Ma , in the ear of our {lord one thousand nine hundri-ad and irourteen Sand [smL.] of the Independence of the United States one hundred and thirty-eight. W ·W oomtow rrsou By the President: WILLIAM Jmmnws BRYAN Secretary of State. Br mn Pnnsmmrr or run Ummn Srxms or Amanroa ¢'¤¤¤¤5·¤°1*· A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS it a ars that the public ood will be romoted b ‘ ?-’;¤**0§;"’°¤ N•· eliminating from the6Santa BarbaIi·a_ N agional Foresii; California; u°mi»iir»1¤.°' Cd' certain lands, and restorméothe public lands therein m amanner Am m authorized by the Act of ngress approved September tlnrtieth, ’*" ‘ mneteen hrmdred and thirteen, entrtl "Au Act To authorize the President to &rovide a method for opening lands restored from reserow, there ore, , , Presiden o e d**¤*¤*¤‘*•d· "“ii°“ °’ Ki ?'“'°i “'i?d3'i>i€*€f€v”“v'6°r°“Srso’i% .1 t r a. A- United States of America by virtue of the power in me vested by the Act of Congress approved June fourth eighteen hundred and ninety- v°" °°"‘°°‘ seven (30 Stat., 11 at 34 and 36),_ent,itled ‘An Act Making a propriations for sundigrczrgvil expenses of the Government for the iigcal pear ending June theth, hundred and mnetyaught for other p oses"·, do proclaim that the boundaries o the Santa Ba.rba.rau§ational Forest are hereby changed to exclude the areas indicatgd as pliminations on the diagram hereto annexed and forming a art ereo . 1And I do further proclaim and make known that in my judgment mEn¤g*¤,gg‘;¤'y¤“;*g¤t{* it is proper and necessary in the interest of equal opportunity and good administration that all of such excluded lands su ject to disposition should be restored to settlement in advance of entrX, and pour- Am m suant to the authority reposed in me by the aforesaid ct of p- 'p' ' tember thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, I do hereby direct and proyide that such lands, subject to valid rights and the provisions Tim clown:. of existing withdrawals, shall be open to actual_settlers only under the provisions of the homestead laws for a (period of twenty-pirpht days from and including 9 o’clock a. m. stan ard time, on the ty- sixth day from and after the date hereof, thereafter to entry and dlisposition under any and all of the public land laws applicable t ereto. Persons who go upon any of the lands to be restored as herein ro- ,,£f;Q¥,$b'?g*;“,,K vided and {perform any act of settlement thereon from and inclugng ¤•¤¢- the date o this proclamation until 9 o’clock a. m. standard time, on the fifty-sixth day from and after the date hereof, or who are on or are occu ying any part of such lands at said hour, except those having valid) subsisting settlement riglhts initiated prior to reservation and since maintained, and those aving preferences to make entry V under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 11, 1906 °L “·*’·”3· (34 Stat., 233), will be considered and dealt with as trespassers and preference will be given the prior legal applicant, notwithstanding _ such unlawful settlement or occupancy: Provided, however, that noth- ;,,$§“"“"“°“’ "‘ ing herein shall prevent persons from going upon and over the lands to examine them with a view to thereafter going upon and making
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/795