1998 PROCLAMATIONS, 1914. settlement thereon when the lands shall become subject thereto in ,,§,§§f" “m°m°°° accordance with this proclamation. Persons having prior settlement rights or preferencles, as aboxae defingd, allowe to make entry ` nf 't `t f e a 1ons.· A"i°“”"“1 l°°d°` mThis0r1I:l:l;d11i;ltio1iB:]l§ial1lgnolv‘j>r·<i;*erl·t the settlement and entry of any lands heretofore o ened to settlement and entry under the Act v°'·3"·*’·*°“3· of Congress approved Fume eleventh, mneteen hundred and six, en—· titled ‘ An Act To provide for the entry of Agricultural lands withm f t 71. "'°“““°°°°‘L Ollcts isrcxlglsvilitended by this proclamation to reserve any land not heretoforile embracegi :1.1 Natgsnagi Forest nor_to re§ease any land tt ae on e a amase aions. excl? WI mWHEREOF I hagg hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aiiixed. Done at the City of Washington this 15th day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and four- , [SEAL.] teen and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-eighth. W W oomzow u.s0N By the President: W. J .’ Barn ‘ _ Secretary ojsuue. _ _ Mr 18. 1*14- Br rm: Pmnsmmrr or um Sruirms or AAm1uoA. ‘ A raocLAnA·r1oN. j _ ,2;:;*g- WHEREAS, The President of the United States, in an Executive Order dabted June ;9, IQIQ3, reserved foré the tand of tgzuil United ]?:gtes Disft urtin rt ico roperlgescri asoows:‘ an Juaniuso riiuch of the iip£ler iiiior of o. 3 as lies east of a line drawn 25 feet west of and par el to thewestern wall of the present court l'00I11,•g:11¢%,N’;;)i‘ 5V1&ort51lezab Street sg much of N o. 5 as is now occu e ea er ureauo cia. v··¤-=··.¤»-··v- Algl) whnams, are President er the used sma,¤¤amaA¤t of Congrex, approved June 14 1910, entitled "An Act to authorize the President to convey to The People of Porto Rico certain lands and buildings not needed for purposes q the United States " is authorized to convey to the People of Porto Rico such lands, buildings, and interests therein, adjacent to the City of San Juan as are no longer needed foikgxugposes of the United States, _ _ WHEREAS, the plroperties thus described are no longer cm ~··=··· ¤== ¤·¤ n°iii1ddvvi°i·§i11§°*i:°i·So°ii*1ih°1 iilvtdeiiiiliiictiit wnsorr rnmsmnm ’°‘°·°°““'°’°° “" or THE UNITED srirris, BY AU·rnoRr1·Y m' Mn vnsmn, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM AND MAKE KNOWN that the above gesletnbed propertues are transferred and conveyed to The People of c o Rico. IN TESTIMONY WHZEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aflixed. Done at the City of Washington this 18th day of Jul 1914, [SEAL] Eid pggtge Independence of the United States of Xmerica ‘ e . Woonnow Wmsos By the President: W. J. BRYAN Secretary of State.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/796