SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 125. 1916. · 131 lands in Pinal Count , Arizona: And provided further, That the water w:¥*'“’“**°¤ °' diverted from the Ciila River byhnsaid diversion dam shall be dis- ` tributed by the Secretary of the terior to the Indian lands of said reservation and to the private and public lands in said county in accordance with the five rights and priorities of such lan s to the beneficial use of water as may be determined by agreement of the owners thereof with the Secret of the Interior or by a court _ _ of competent jurisdiction: And provid;?i'urther, That the construction S,£{,',{,§’,f‘},hafg__ °°°· charge for the actual cost of said diversion dam and other works and rights shall be divided equitably by the Secretary of the Interior between the Indian lands and the private and pu lic lands in said count ; and said cost as fixed for said Indian ands shall be reim- I,}§,‘§,‘{‘§§m°“‘ '°‘ bursagle as provided in section two of the Act of August twenty- V0!-37.P-5% fourth, nineteen hundred and twelve (Thirty-seventh Statutes at Large, page five hundred and twenty-two); but the construction ,mPd*;*’¤*° md ¤¤*>li<= charge as fixed for the private and public lands in said conmty shall ` be paid by the owner or entryman in accordance with the terms of _ an Act extending the period of payment under reclamation projects, W" 3s' P' °°°‘ ap;i\r<;1v<§l August thirteenth, nineteenhhundred fou;rteen_ e t tatutes at Large, six un an e ty-six : lgwazaz {anim, That said Ijiiiiett sian only be unlgertaken if the ,,;,Lj“:i*.,°··*°"·** gcretary of the Interior shall be able to make or plrovide for what he shall deem to be satisfactory adjustments of the rights to the water to be diverted by said diversion dam or carried in canals, and satisfactory arrangements for the inclusion of lands withm said project and the purchase of propert rights which he shall deem necessary to be acquired, and shall determine and declare said prciject to be feasible. g. or extension of the Ganado irrigation project on the N ava'o ¥*E';g{gi°f;l¤j{g¤¤y), Indian Reservation in Arizona for the irrigation of approximately cameo projisct ali six hundred acres of land in addition to the area to be irri ated by said project, as authorized in section two of the Act cig August vo1.a1,p.m. twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and twelve, $20,000; and for maintenance and operation of the roject $3,000; in all $23,000, reimbursable and to remain available expended. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized gilgdlllilgn, as and directed to cause to be made by competent engineers the neces- §,°gml,’(‘;"”°';,§ °"§,’f“*,f sary examinations, investigations, and surve for the purpose of ¤¤¤¤¤y.Ari¤~ determining the most suitable and practicablbs method or methods of constructing levees revetments, or other suitable works sufficient to plrevent the Gila River from further ered.? and wearing and was 'ng away its banks and from further ove owing its banks at any point in Graham County, Arizona. Said engineers shall also chljglygld ¤¤ Mir-: determine and regort upon the most suitable, feasible, and practic- ` able means of hol ing the said river within a fixed channel as it ilows _ through said Graham County. Said Secretary shall submit to Con- ,,,5S°‘“'““’ °' °°“· gress the result of such examinations, investigations, and surveys, together with an estimate of the cost thereof, with recommendations thereon, at the earliest practicable date. The sum of $10,000, or so E’”°'°'°‘ much thereof as may be necessar§,.is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the pur- . pose of conducting said investigations, examinations, and surveys. Limo Colorado For the construction of a bridge across the Little Colorado River, nm;. _ at or near the town of Winslow, Arizona, $15,000, to be expended ,·,,’{,L"},*{’¤€‘ W““'°" under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, and to be reimbursable from any funds now or hereafter placed in the Treasury to the P , credit of said Indians: Provided, That no part of the money herein Ono_1galf by sam alpprolpriated shall be expended until the Secretary of the Interior °"'"‘°""‘* s all ave obtained from the proper authorities of the State of Arizona, or the county of avajo, satisfactory guaranties of the payment by the sand State of Armona, or by the county of Navajo, o at least