132 SIXTKFOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 125. 1916. ¥¤*¤°°¤¤¤¤·· one—half of the cost of said bridge, and that the §roper authorities of the said State of Arizona, or the said county of avajo, shall assume full responsibility for, and will at all times maintain and repair, said
- ’*Y'¤°¤*°* °‘°°“- bridge and the aplporoaches thereto: Am} promded_ further, hat any
and all expenses a ve the amount herein named m connection wit the building and of said bridge shall be borne either by the said State of Arizona or the said county of Nava]o._ 2%,%;*% bm, For the construction of three additional steel spans with abutment <r¤¤•¤G=¤r1¤¤ Mews: and piers to extend the bridge across the Gila River on the San tm"' Carlos Indian Reservation near San Carlos, Arizona, $17,000, or so ` much thereof as ma be necewag, to be immediately available, reimbursable to the States y the Indians having tribal rights on said reservation and to remain a chzzrlge and lien upon the lands and funds belonging to said Indians un paid. _ _ umveig N¤¤¤¤¤* For preservation and repair of prehistoric pueblo_rums and cliff iiihigsiien, ew. dwellings, under supervision of the Smithsoman Institution, Navajo National Monument, Arizona, $3,000. cement CALIFORNIA. d£:,vi>¤¤» •*¤·· °*I¤· Sec. 3. For support and civilization of Indians in California, inm` cluding pay of employees, $42,000. _ _ ka: M ¤<>¤¤•*¢S¤ For the purchase o lands for the homeless Indians in California M including improvements thereon, for the use and occuplancy of said Indians, $10,000, said funds to oe expended under suc regulations and conditions as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe. S¤·¤¤·¤¤ mlmta For sup ort and education of seven hundred Indian pupils at the Sherman Institute, Riverside, California, including pay of superintendent, $119,500; for general repairs and improvements, $10,000; ’¤¤¤ my · or rec ama ion an mam ance c on uma otmen s,
- 1 **“°* “ in liu, $12l"500t d ° ten harge Y all t
mbumw mm $10,000, to remain available until expended and to be reimbursed from the sale of surplus lands or from other funds that may be avail- V°‘·3°·P· lm able, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of March third, ‘ nineteen hundred and eleven. F°¤ B****•“ *‘°”°°'· For support and education of one hundred Indian upils at the Fort Bidwell Indian School, California, including pay ofp superintendent, $18,200; for general repairs and improvements, $3,600; in all, $21,800. G'°""`“'° S°"°°‘· For support and education of one hundred Indian pupils at the Greenville ndian School,California, including pay of su rintendent, $18,400; for neral repairs and improvements, includpuig purchase of additional Ignd for school farm, $8,000; in all, $26 400. {gg §1°g°,;’;d@· For the improvement and construction of roads and bridges on the Yuma Indian Reservation in California, $10,000, to be immediately available, reimbursable to the United States by the Indians having tribal rights on said reservation.
- "°"d* FLORIDA.
R°“°'°' S•'¤’¤°*°¤· Sec. 4. For relief of distress among the Seminole Indians in Florida, and for purposes of their civilization and education, $8,000. ’*’*'*°· mano. §,_°‘° H"' “°""°‘ Sec. 5. For supaplortand civilization of Indians on the Fort Hall d,§g’gg_**· •°¤-· 0* *¤· Reservation in I o, including pay of employees, $30,000. ¤=¤¤¤<¤¤r=¤¤m F or improvement and maintenance and operation of the Fort Hall irrigation system, $25,000, reimbursable to the United States out of any funds of the Indians occupying the Fort Hall Reservation now or hereafter available.