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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/157

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136 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 125. 1916. stitution of the general council of said Chippewa Indians of Minnesota, organized in May, nineteen hundred and thirteen, and to pay the actual and necessary expenses of the delejgates who attended the meeting of said general council, commenc une twelfth and ending June fomteenigi, ninleteen hulxgilred andngfteep, set Wlgite Earth,- esota, an at etroit, nesota, cto er ourt , i t n hundred and fifteen; and also the necessary expenses of the meiiiiigrgiiif { dd the executive committee of said council when attending to the busiml.,:§'€:‘€y’°“‘1§mgm;°‘?" ness of the tribe, and to ay the expenses to Washington, in January and Februaiy, nineteen Iliundred and fifteen, and in January, Febmary, and arch mneteen hundred and sixteen, of the dele ations of the Chippewa Indians of the State of Minnesota, appointed%>v the president o said general council pursuant to the resolutions of said general councils of August fourteenth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, and June_foiu·teenth, nineteen hundred and fifteen, to present the affairs of said Indians of the State of Minnesota to the officials of the United States; said $6,000 to be immediately available, and the expenses of said delegation to be aid by the Secretary of the Interior upon itemized aecoimts repproves by the president of the executive Awww of D0 eglzzligiltteemeg ge;] eounc f atgdlceirtiiied to by Elie secretary of the pmmaaemeaia . rearvo eneriorma . Mm or special agent, or Indian superintendent, l:roaeiltei)1Id"ful1]ir<]iI];leis3siii>(ii‘s of said tgeperal coimcil and conventions to which delegates therefor are e ec e . · F¤¤si¤¤¤¤¤ B¤¤¤— That the Secretary of the Interior be and he is hereb th d Burial gmundtor. . y, 8.11 0I‘1Z6 to withdraw from the Treasury f th Ii 'ted St tes 500 thereof as may be necessary, of)thec riiiizipal sdm cgi depteilsilftldl vous P M5. credit of the Chippewa Indians in tilie State of Minnesota, arising ·· rzazrzeszigszsnnsi :%.zi.i.%··€i,·’;¤:is,{:m;]si*h· ·i=*r·¤· tion of the Chippewa Indians in the Statg ofol-zfiniieisoisiii ’lu;(i1<(i1m:e said withdrawn sum in the urchase and fencing of burial grounds Edwf ‘ C _ for the Fond du Lac Band of’Cbippewa Indians of Minnesota ,,.,,,b,,,.,"f° ° '”"‘ For the tuition, board, books and paper and trave ex enses to and from_ their respective homes of two Cgnéppewa boylisngu the school ¥§.?%$§‘3“i.§,J3£2 i%‘§2htE‘?£§°§£i$`o‘i“d' “£f’3’°“* ”‘*5°°’ ““‘* ear eu ‘ teen hundrediiand sixteen, $3,250;lIlC\1l¥‘6d under aielieriilzhtiiiilililiolflixlie general council of the Minnesota Chippewas, said amounts tolm aid upon vouchers being submitted to the Commissioner of Indian Ailgirs P and aplprp)ved_ by the board of Indian education of the said general F»m·»~·»~. °§$%2?i;ma"”"'e€i’a“&$,Z$.1i1?Si£¤Z’§%$'t‘iS""‘€ *6 sed; mm ***2 the United States. °°s° ° m ° ”“S“‘°y ° $·°i°“i""¤_..·;..,:.v····.E?,.`Z tei‘;£‘iZh*}‘§iZ‘§€§‘.§“i;‘§fiZ%*i ‘3i.*Zi°‘i°i.‘°im..“ niii1°am°f, inh;.’2f;hiKp§°tZ€,?tgS°1;2 s"i*‘ai. 38, P, 88, LE? page ¤ish¢y—¤in¤), be, and the same hereby is amended b www- st gelut ghe wordslronhegg whom shall be selected by the Depart}; _ m meno usice,"1ntef linth f ° ° . pm¤i»§;?§;¥3;i;°££ the words "one of whom shall be s(iil;•cthdmg‘o2bSagdiI;iii:n%,st}i,(drcti’h)iagleItpnmeywGe;}1;ié;ral, ang wéio sball_ continue as such commissioner mgnupmdad www Thgt tmp mwure aréoduximer the direction of the Attorney General." v°,_38’l;_·89_ for c _ mélp? t th ance_ of $3,436.03 of the approplriation Djmti;1;1y1ia‘gndr6de8Ie(e e prlewgeergnef the Act of June t `rtieth, gag ccpigiggelelt expeeses 0; thehlgiddian Segvigelibiiihgtdgggl xelarcdlnlldiarilg e ie , nine een un and fourteen (Thirt hth St t- utes at e, page eighty-nine), creating a commissioiigg re ar;] a roll of the ottees within the White Earth Reservation inIi;hepStato of Minnesota, and deining the duties of such commissiim, is hereby