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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/158

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 125. 1916. 137 reappropriated gid rpladael immediatdiiybavagabletior the payment of expenses mcurr an s aries earne y the said commissioners, or hinder wection, in p1arry11Ln§outdt§_1e provisionslof saiill Act since une t `e , nineteen un e an ourteen, an or the urpose of continu` the work of such commission under said Act. P That foingie completion of the enrollment of the allottees within m°u;§{{f“°” °‘ °”‘ the White Earth Reservation, in the State of Minnesota, required by Vol- 38, p. 88. the Act of June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, as amended by this Act, there is hereby appropriated the sum of $5,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary for that purpose. This a proprietion shall oontinue available until engpended or the work ofp the said commission shall have been complet . _ To car? into eifect the Act entitled ‘ ‘An Act for the relief and civi- Emi Iektgd Indiw lization o the Chippewa Indians in the State of Minnesota, approved %.h°zii°;. 64%. January fourteent , eighteen and eighty-nine, to provide for the estabhshment and adnnnistration of a orest reserve and for the sale of timber within the Red Lake Indian Reservation, Minnesota," that the fol1owing—described lands within the Red Lake Indian Reservation, Minnesota, be, and the same hereb are, created into a forest reserve to be known as the Red_Lake Indian Forest: Town- 1>•¤¤¤r¤¤¤e ships one hundred and iifttiyt and one lgundreiluandififty-orgy north, r es -two, y- ee, y-our,·t"rt ve, an thirtyT` -- siklgvest, and townships one and fifty-twg and one hundred and fifty-three north, ranges thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty- four west of the fifth(prmc1pal meridian, exce _ the lands in townships one hundred an fifty-one north, range thirty-six west, which lie north of the north line of sections twenty-six to thirty, inclusive, ang excppt all langs sect{pnsd£o1(i1r, ii§e,s;x,1¥·en, eiggt, nine, anei teen, in wns` oneim e an y- eenort,rane thirtygour west. The piiovisions of this paragraph shall not apply °'°·· to an lands which have heretofore been reserved or school, agency, church, or town-site purposes or granted to private parties or corporations within the area described, nor to the town site of Red Lake, for PMN the creation of which provision is made herein: Promkled, That when ¤¤¤¤•¤i¤n wasany of said lands are no longer needed for the purpose for which the; °°"" are reserved, the Secretary of the Interior may declare such lan to be a part of the Red La e Indian Forest. Gléhat Ends sgid Red Lake Irgdian gprest, whic% are niet glovg ,,,§§’§‘2,“]',§°'d,§,;l‘f"“' er wit stan an growing merc anta e pine tim er an w 'c are suited for the production of agricultural cro(ps and which are fronting upon a lake shore, mas be allotted to mdivi ual Red Lake Indians: mm Pravedtelfll, 'l`ha§1noIs(p(pg1f lotment shall ixlrieegheighty) acres tppr ggye Remain. more an e` t r0nf u n a a e ore: romde` u r, That in caselagin Iiixdian has imupgovleid and cultivated more than eighty I“"‘°"""""‘ acre? his allotrnpnt may embrace his improvements to the extent of one undred an sixty acres. _ _ That said forest shall be administered by the Secretary of the ¤,,l:,_""“ “°""'“““" nor in accordance with the principles of scientific forestry, with a new to the production of successive timber crops thereon, and he is hereby authorized to sell and manufacture only such standing and growing pme and oak timber as is mature and has ceased to grow, and he is also authorized to sell and manufacture form time to time such other mature and marketable timber as he may deem advisable, and he is ful'- S°'mm°’°t° ther authorized to construct and operate sawmills for the manufacture of gre igto merchantable producttsil and to emplotytiucp persons 55 99 necessarytoc out e urposeso e oregoing _ PYOVISIODS, including the estabqglhahyinent of ngrseries and the purclmso ,,§,:””° W M"` of seeds and transplants when needed for reforestation %\11'· p,,.;,.._ EOM-BS: I5rovided,_That all timber sold under the pnovisions herein S all ¤•*•°~ M N B sold on what is known as the bank scale: P urt}wr, That D0 quad, ' contract shall be made for the establishment of any . or to carry on