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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/161

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140 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 125. 1916. V°¥ °5·1¤“$— al of all surplus lands after allotment," as amended by section gllleen of the Act of May twenty-ninth, mneteen hundred and eight (Thirt -fifth Statutes at Large,dpage four hundred and forty-eight), ,,;,{.,‘;{.,l"{,'}l’;,I]§¥,d°`§l'Z shall rnade as herein lgirovi ed: Projvzded farther, That nothing l¤*`*g¤ag·_=¤g; IL M contained in the Act of ay twenty-nmthi, mngteeéi nlundaecil sni Ffh? (i$.t'“€°m‘ 332ll‘E312ZmL§£‘f?;6*{.l?rih£3.§ 0lud.l1§?ID?ll18Il §iL?£° our s econs - ment, purchased prior to the expiration of the trust period_thereon from any charge for construction of the m§ation system incurred up to the time of such purchase, except suc charges as shall have accrueddapd become rgilie in zgcordance vnith the pplli gc néitglcips liegem rovide or, or to `eve the owners 0 any or an ot e to llndians in severalty from payment of the charges herein required Enmpfm to be made against (paid land on acconnlt of constructinn ofdthe irri- ,,,d_ ‘ ‘ ation s stems; an in c _ out e rovisions 0 said section ghe exenlption therein authorized from chap es incurred against allotments purchased prior to the expiration oligthe trust period thereon shall be the amoimt of the charges or installments thereof due under public notice herein provided for u to the time of such purchase. ufI_°** P°°k R°°°"°· For continuing construction of the irrigation systems on the Fort cpnscnmcicu or im- Peck Indian Reservation, inMontana, $100,000 (reimbursable), which °$YZ1»i3l»ll°mS‘ shall be immediately available: Prmnkled, _That the proportionate ml?g;*°¤* °‘ °°S* "Y cost of the construction of said systems repuired of settlers and entrgmen on the urplus unallotted able and b section two of the V°I‘”’p‘ m' Act of May thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight (Thirty-fifth Statutes at Large, e Eve hundred and fifty-eight), shall be paid as ,§,°§‘,Y,§“E,‘£*‘Zx,l’,¥.d°`§”;Z herein ;i1;lv1de<llia§’r0vided further, That nothing contained m said

  • °¤¤°?“· Act oaf to y thiiétngh, nineteen n_uudre<%D3lnd eight, shall behconé

stru exemp e r o an `an a otment urc ase · prior to the expirptipnpof the trust thereon from aiiy charge or construction o the ` ation s tem inciured u to the time of such purchase, except lss shall have acorpued and become due in accordance with the Bpluélic notices herein provided for, and the nlurchaser of any Indian otment to be ` ated by said systems purc ased npon approval of the Secretary olntlée Interior before the cggurges agsumslt; said allotment herein piuthorllized shall have been paid s ay c a esremaunnguu ai at the time of such urchase, ,,,';,"" ’°’°"'°‘"""" and iii all patenlg or deeds for suiih purchased allotments,pand also in all lpatents in fee to allottees or their heirs issued before payment shall ave been made of all such chazggles herein authorized to be made §amst their allotments, there sh be expressed that there is reserv upon the lands therein described a lien for such charges, and such lien may be enforced, or upon payment of the delinquent Hamm Rwing chgrges may be released by the Senretilary of the Interior. um. or contmu construction 0 the irr` ation s stems o the g,‘§‘:,‘:,“°,,"£i;’,,'*_°""" Blackfeet indiauiigResewatio¤, in Mentana,%2s,00o lreimbmI;b1s), {gg;} 0, eww which shall be immediattcgy available: Provided, That the entryman byuztrymm. npoaggie surplus unalggp larlndph to ple irrigated by such systems shall, in tion to comp ce wit e omestead laws before rec iv` patent for the lands covered byhis entry, pay the charges apporilorilid p,w,,,,,,m against such tract as herein authorized, and a failure to make any two payments when due shall render the entry subject to cancellation, with the forfeiture to the United States of all rights acquired under the provisions of this act, as well as of an moneys aid on

y¤*m¤ug;; account thereof. The purchaser of any Indian allotment tollie irripmes. gated byusuch systems, nlurchased upon approval of the Secretary

of the_ terror, before the charges ainst said allotment herein authorized shall have been paid, shaad pay allcharges remaining Ihmmdmmtg unnlaid at the time of such purchaseand in all patents or deeds for mg suc purchased allotments, and also in all patents in fee to allottees or their heirs issued before payment of all such charges-herein author-