SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 125. 1916. . 139 For maintenance and opgation, including repairs, of the irrigation B°“¤*¤P R**>°’· systems on the Fort Be ap Reservation, in Montana, $20,000, Irrigatiousygtom. reimbursable in accordance with the provisions of the Act of April V°l‘3°’p‘2‘7‘ fo1irrth?ni1§i1pl;een hundred argdérin. M F or u g treaties wit ws, ontana: or a of h ician C{{"”S· , $1,200; and for pay of carpenter, miller, engineer, fdinbier, si)nd’l>lack; if<>i%iiufi.t65°;ly` smith (article ten, treaty 0 May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty- eight), $3,600; for Hay of second blacksmith (article eight, same treaty), $1,200; in a , $6,000. For subsistence and civilization of the Northern Cheyennes and ,,,If{‘§§*,*Qf,§'},,$,,b?’°““s Arapahoes (agreement with the Sioux Indians, approved February §,¤g>=i{,*¤¤<=g£*¤- twergg-eight, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven), including North- ’ p` ` em eyennes removed from Pine Ridge Agency to Tongue River, _ Montana, and for pay of physician, two teachers, two carpenters, $I${S{§i°§'§§ one miller, two farmers, a blacksmith, and engineer (article seven, treaty of May tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight), $80,000. E I ,_ _ For the employment o "line riders" along the southern and eastern addi? "mg "°° boundaries o the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation in the State of Montana, $1,500. R B , For the sup rt and civilization of Rocky Boy’s Band of Chi pewas, .e,°°k’ °y S B°°d’ and other indigent and homeless Indians in the State of Lfdntana, S“¥'P°"·°*°· including) pay of employees $5,000. mam That theSecretary of the Iinteriorbe and he ishereby, authorized to ummdgds B°°°"°` withdraw from the Treasury of the Uinited States not to exceed the ,M,;m'“°g“°mg{°;°£g· sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessa , of the ¤¤>,¢¤r. ’ rincipal sum on deposit to the credit of the Indians on therhlackfeet · Reservation in Montana, for the pu ose of purchasing and caring for cattle for the use of individualrlndians, seeds, and necessary · farming eiqliipment, to enable them to become se]f—supporting: _,,m,m Provided, at said sum shall be ex ended under conditions to be Repsyuimt. prescribed by} the Secretary of the lhterior for its repayment and placed into the Treasury to the credit of the said tribe on or before une thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-five: Promkled further, That the Secretary of the Interior shall submit to Congress annually d;$$,,°°f"°“°°* °’“’°“' on the first Monday in December a detailed statement as to the expenditure of this fund. For the purchase of a stri of land containing sixteen acres more or “°’°'"‘ less, lying between the Fllzithead River and the Flathead Indian l{’¤r_5;¥}¤¤·¤f¤ddi¢f¤¤— Agency reserve, Montana, for an addition to said reserve, $320, and °° °° said amount shall be reimbursed to the United States from the proceeds arising from the sale of lands and timber within the Flathead Indian Reservation. H md t { That lands on the Flathead Indian Reservation in Montana valuable »¤°ii¤i¤:i· for agricultural or horticultural purposes, heretofore classified as °* timber lands, may, in the discretion o the Secretary of the Interior, be appraised and opened to homestead entry under regulations {uprescribed by him, upon condition that homestead entrymen sh at hymn, fmimw the time of making their original homestead entries pay the full value ' of the timber found on the land at the time that the gppraisement of the land itself is made, such patyment to be in ad tion to the appraised price of the lands apart rom the timber. Cmmumgimgmm or continuing construction of the irrigation systems on the Flat- systems mi Bmervahead Indian Reservation, in Montana, $750,000 (reimbursable), which ”°"‘ shall_be immediately available and remain available until expxendedi hmm Provided, That the payments for the proportionate cost of the con- myumt Mm by struction of said systems required of settlers on the surplus unallotted s°°$:”é3 P M land by] section mne, chapter fourteen hundred ninety-five, Statutes ' ` of the nited States of America, entitled “An Act f or the survey and allotment of lands now embraced within the limits of the Flathead Indian Reservation in the State of Montana, and the sale and dis-
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