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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/163

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142 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 125. 1916. .*’°Y¤*°¤* 9' °¥’°”* Th t dditi to th construction charges eve allottee, entry- tciiilmzid mmmm man,ap1il1icliaser,0:r ownier shall pay to the supeihliitendent of the reservation a. maintenance and operation charge based upon the total cost of maintenance and operation of the systems on the several reservations, and the Secretary of the Interior IS hereby authorized to fix such maintenance and operation charge upon such bas1s as U’° °"°“°‘ shall be equitable to the owners of the nmgab e land. Such charges when collected shall be available for expen iture in the maintenance and o ration of the systems on the reservation where collected: §;°{’,_‘h*·0, wm, ,0, Protrafgd, That delivery of water to ugly tract of land may be refused mmpsymm. on account of nonplayénent of any h asrges heremf azngthprized, mad the same may in the iscretion o the cretary o e nterior e hfggggflggggtgjg gy 1% suis Sfor mcflneyugwedz Provak1edt({urtht:2§r, fTh§nt£she mw. `tsote United Statesereoreacqmred, warornan lands referred to in the foregoing_provision, namely, the Blaqkfeet, Fort Pecér, &nd Flathlesall Rliervationc land, sh1;a].} beicpntmued inlfuél orcean e act unti e tit tosuc an isextin IS e . ,,,§g‘j§_’·°°°"*°°°’” That the Secretxy of the Interior be, and he is hereby, auglorized L: prescribe such es and rggulaigons and issue pueghsnptices ap lmay necessarytocarryintoe ectt eprovisionso ct, an e1s hereby authorized and directed to determine the area of land on each reservation which may be irrigated from constructed ditches and to determine what allowance, if any, shall be made for ditches con- Pmm structed by individuals for the diversion and distribution of a dpartial rumstiagavsmme or total water supplymfor allotted or surplus unallotted lan : Pro- },',:,§;£}_°' ‘° "“' vided, That_1f water _ available prior to the announcement of the charge herem authorized, the Secretary of the Interior may furmsh water to land under the systems on the said reservations, makmgbog. reasonable charge therefor, and such chargps when collected ma used for construction or maintenance of the systems through which such water shall have been furnished. N°‘*****· Nnsnasm. G°”°“ S°*‘°°’· Sec. 12. _For support and education of four hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Genoa, Nebraskahincluding pay of superine }§‘$§’“b‘$lie¥§?§’>”3iv£$' i3£€'2hL$£§‘§§ SH} ‘{."2l'}f°`§,°“‘iZ“"‘;IT3’°i°°’ {Zi 1 S H1 0 W8. »

·=·  ?§§‘p“”°' ““&“1;.t”i3§'i) f‘£2c2‘§'§Z£§"¥§‘°¤‘3IQ’€§°£’»§i°¢i~l3“k’ "°’€°¤?’·5°’

'¤’lE>$0 vemmen ri e across the Niobrara give}- near Niobrara, Nebraska; also to recoistruct one span 0 ninety eet over the b k h l f th N` b River at the same point, the sum of $6,533; slzlidlgiiih (tlc becexgenrdeid Om ““i‘!E2§*€?x§§$$i’§I§»f¢$}‘€h?i°f’€E“’y ‘{L“‘° £“£°”°§ ‘“t°”’ ”};1°°‘ d .¤__ _ _ _ _ I1 l'10l‘ , 8.11 eis ere y, author1ze el·i§,·2r?F·"<·m*·i ;‘£i£é?¤$‘S.$§i‘£°£é €$’a§p££?i’%£‘§ir2Si?,ii?&%’§.°“ar°°g‘?h°’ 5*3*3 i““"é · ose ggegiesbtp befmadte umgzr the laws whe itate of §bIi·aska upbliiugég omensocerarn znaaan mne on`an.i Wkfild graénaglp district, m Dixon, Wayne, an? Thurstoii llounaligs Bin e ras a. §°mY:;:°'· That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized Am,,,,,,,um,,,,,_ to pay the amount assessed against each of said allotments: Provided, That said assessment shall not eirceed $,510 per acre on any allotment or portion thereof; and there'1s hereby appropriated for said out og any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- Ramymm {mm pna , e sum 0 $30,000, to be immediately available, the said I,,d,,,,,,,,,d,_ sum tpiilx reimbursable gre? the rentals of said allotments, not to excee y per cen um o the amount of rents receiv d all from any funds belonging to the said allottees, in the discgdllidln olrtllig Secretary of the Interior.