SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 125. 1916. I4-3 That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized, p,,§,%“ °' "°Y W in his discretion, to approve deeds for right of way from such said ` allottees or their heirs as ma be necessary to permit the construction and maintenance of saidy drainage ditch upon the payment of adeqluate damages therefor. T at the Secretary of the Interior is hereb authorized to approve m‘iii°°aA°.i°°a'ii4°if»i»°t¤f§°¢.: the assessments upon all other restricted allotments located within °PP‘°"°°· any éiroposed dramage district located and made under the laws of the Thgate og Nebraska. an h H f P. t um I t in the event an ottees s a receive a atent in ee to an {§,,,,°,, °' allotment of land in an; lawfully constituted draiii e district wit& minor puvmtiingdl the State of Nebraska before the United States shallaiave been wholl reimbursed- as herein provided, the amount remaining unpaid shall become a first lien on such allotment, and the fact of such lien shall be recited on the face of each patent in fee issued and the amount of the lien set forth thereon, and the receipt of the Secretary of the Interior, or of the officer, agent, or employee duly authorized by him for that purpose, for the paiyment of the amount assessed against any allotment as herein provided shall, when duly recorded by the recorder of deeds in the county wherein the land is ocated, operate as a satisfaction of such lien. That the Secretaig of the Interior is hereby authorized to, perform ml.-'°{,;'E°'°""°°°""" any and all acts an to make such rules an rexggions as may be necessary and proper for the purpose of carrying provisioms into full force and effect. , NEVADA. N•v¤¤·~ Sec. 13. For suplport and civilization of Indians in Nevada, in- d,E{,‘,"{,’§{"·°‘°·· °”“‘ cluding pay of employees, $18,500. _ For support and education of two hundred and ninety Indian °“”““°"" S°"°°'· pupils at the Indian school at Carson City, Nevada, including pay of superintendent, $50,430; for general repairs and improvements, $8 000; for irrigating school farm, $4,000; in all, $62,430. l<`or the purpose of procuring home and farm sites, with adequate ,.£§‘f$'f;,{§',§f"’ water rights, and providing agricultural equipment and instruction and other necessary supphes or the nonreservation Indians in the P,,,,,,_,,,_ State of Nevada, $15,000: Provided, That no part of this appropria- R·¤¤¤¢¤¤¤¤¤¤¤•- tion shall be expended for mileage, salaries, or expenses of employees, P,,,,,m,d Lak, mg For the improvement, enlargement, and extension of the irrigation ¤¤{_:¤¤i£_j}é,m uc 0, diversion an distribution system to irrigate approximately three imgimaasyéam." thousand three hundred acres of Indian land on the P amid Lake R,,,,,,m,,,,_ Reservation, Nevada, $30,000, reimbursable from any Kinds of said Indians now or hereafter available, and to remain available xmtil P,,,,,_,,,_ expended: Promkled, That the cost of said entire work shall not ¤•¤¤¤i¤¤i¤•¤- GXCB‘Gd wahoo ·]·n·b°_ For the purchase of land and water rights for the Washoe Tribe of Indians, the title to which is to be he d in the United States for ' the benefit of said Indians, $10,000, to be immediately available; for the support and civilization of said Indians, $5,000; m all, $15,000. New Mexico. N"' ““‘°“ Sec. 14. For support and education of four hundred and fifty ’*“’°¤°"q“°8°’*°°‘ Indian pupils at the Indian school at Albuquerque, New Mexico, and for pay of superintendent, $77,400; for (general repairs and_ improvements, $8,000; for the purchase of ad tional acreage adjoining or in the vicinity of the school farm, $12,000; m all, $97,400. _ _ For sup ort and education of three hundred and fifty Indian pupils S‘“"‘ "°“°"°°’· at the Indian school at Santa Fe, New Mexico, and for pay of superintendent, $59,550; for general repairs and improvements, $6,000;
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