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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/170

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SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 125. 1916. 149 members of the Five Civilized Tribes from which restrictions have not been removed, and to conduct investigations with a view to the prevention of waste, $15,000. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to acqpire W¤°°*°°k *°°°°*¤Y· on behalf of the Choctaw Nation Oklahoma, by purchase or other- r i°°d M wise, such lands or easements as shall be necessary for the purpose of a roadway leadinglfrom Wheelock Academy, Choctaw Nation, Oklahoma, to the pub `c highway, and to expend therefor not to exceed $150, from Choctaw tri al funds. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is herebtyj, authorized with, to effectuate a compromise settlement of the suit of the nited States {g{°“”°°° '*`“'·“°*°*¤· against E. Dowden and others decided adversely to the Government ` on January fourth, nineteen hundred and fifteen, by the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the E` hth Circuit and now pending on appeal in the Supreme Court of the `lfnited States, and for said Burpose to purchase whatever ht, title, and interest that said E. owden may have in or to th;-lland involved in said suit, said land being situated within the area segregiated for town-site purposes at Tuttle, Oklahoma, and to take such other action as may be necessary to quiet the title in the Choctaw and Giickmaw Nations to saidland and in the purchasers from said nations at the Government saleof the town lots, and for the above purpose the sum~of $57,500, together with interest thereon at the rats of six centum per annum from February twenty-fourth, nineteen him _ and sixteen, to date of settlement, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated: Provided, That the mm United States is to be rdmbursed to the extent of the proceeds here- mmm tofore derived, or which may hereafter be derived, from the sale of the town lots within the area affected by such compromise settlement. OREGON. or¤s¤¤- Sec. 20. For support and civilization of Indians of the Klamath °°°" M up Agency, Oregon, inc uding pay of employees, $6,000. K"‘“"°‘ “'°°" or sépipport and civilization of the confederated tribes and bands, Ag,'§,Y_'“ °’"“" under arm Springs Agency, Oregon, including pay of employees, $4,000. T For support and civilization of the Indians of the Umatilla Agency, °""°m‘ *""°" Oregon, including pag of emplc}yees, $3,000. For supplort and e ucation o six hundred Indian pu ils, including S"°”‘ s°“°°'· native In 'an pupils brought from Alaska, at the lhdian schoo , Salem, Oregon, including pay of superintendent, $102,000; for general repairs and improvements, $12,000; for remodeling sewer s s- mm tem, $5,000; for three high- ressure steam boilers, $7,200: Prooidgd, Assembly mu. That the unused balance oi? $9,830 of the amount appropriated by V°l‘"*P‘°°°‘ the Act of August first, nineteen hundred and fourteen (Thirty-eighth Statutes at Large, page six hundred and two), and an a ditional irgipunt gg $2,500 may be expended for an addition to the assembly

in , $128,700. '

For support and civilization of Indians at Grande Ronde and Siletz Suignffmx? °"d Agencies, Ore on, including pay of employees, $4,000: Provided, d§,‘gf¥’°"· °'°·· °‘ ‘“· T at Section three of an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the sale Prawn- _ of certain lands belonging to the Indians of the Siletz Indian Reserva— msg]; °t '”°"°°°” tion in the State of Ore on," approved May thirteenth, nineteen °d"°'·i’*‘»¤*""·°"°‘*· hundred and ten, be, andg the same is hereby, amended by striking ` out all of said section and inserting in lieu thereof the following: NSec. 3. That when such lands are surveyed and platted, they ,N;’*£{""*‘°"'**’•*°°' shall be appraised and sold, exrxept land reserved for water-power sites as provided in section two this Act, under the provisions of the Remed Statutes covering the sale of town sites located on the