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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/169

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148 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 125. 1916. °{’“ °' mm P"? That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized

£Y**”¤*°,'°*¤“ to use not exceeding] $35,000 of the proceeds of sales of nnallotted

P lands and other trib progrty belonging to any of the Five Crvilrzed Tribes for payment 0 sa ries of employees and other expenses of advertising and sale in connection with the further sales of such tribal lands and property, including the advertising and sale of the land ,m°gg' md °SPh°*° within the segregated coal and asphalt area of the Choctaw and V0, 3,, P 6, Chickasaw Nations, or of the surface thereof as_prov1ded for in the ` ’ ` Act of Congress approved Eebruary nineteenth, nineteen hundred and twelve (Thirty-seventh United States Statutes at_Large, page sixty- seven), and of the improvements thereon, which IS hereby express y ain_thorizeEd,han¢i_ for cg ¢3·1zv;(orl§I_neb;esua})ry to adfinqall settlement of the otrneauiuerme, a airs 0 the ive iv` ri sz rom,d` e , at not to excee $10,000 of such amount magsbe used in connection with the collection S m _ of rents of nnallotted lan and tribal budding: Provided further, er¤¤°°°¤q$rrl`.l°1°l°$l°'§; That during the fiscal year ending June thir·tie , nineteen hundred Mmm and seventeen, no moneys shall be expended from tribal funds belong- E mg to the Frve Crvrhzed Tubes yrthout sspcrfic appropriation by ¤’°P**°¤·*- Congress, exceptas follows: Equalization of otments,percap1ta and other payments authorized by law to individual members of the respective tribes, tribal and other Indian_ schools for the current Hscal year under exrstrnglaw, salaries and cont1ngent expenses of governors, chiefs, assistant c refs, secretarres, interpreters, and mining trustees of the tribes for the current fiscal year at salaries at the rate heretofore paid, and attorneys for said employed under contract approved Schmlmmumm ly the President, under exrstrng law, for the current fiscal) year: _ romded further, That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to pay the cost of mamtenauce during the current fiscal year of _ the tribal and other schools and to contmue during the ensuing fiscal (year the tribal and other schools among, the Choctaw, Chic asaw, reuolc, znddiennpole Trgbesdfrom tlhe tin al (fiunds of those nations, _ wr in is cre 1on_an un ersuc ruesan re ationsashe ma ,,`,,,"'§_°*‘*·°‘S°"°°' prescribe: And further, That the Secretagylof the Interior ig ereby ernlpowered, the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen un red and seventeen, to expend s of the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole Nations available for school u oses under existing law for_such repaus, improvements, or new lihildin zz; lsieizlnaygéleegem essential for the proper conduct of the several school; ii§rE§§?;,g;L?_ll For fulfilling treaties with Choctaws, Oklahoma:_For permanent p_ 6,, · · · annuity (artrc e two, treaty of November sixteenth, eighteen hundred mghphommm and five, and article thirteen, treaty of June twenty-second eighteen p'ys;»1,v,p. zu; vu.11, wd $ft)'~fiV8), $3,000; for permanent annuity for support of hg orsemen (article thirteen, treaty of October eighteenth, eighteen Blacksmith mh hundred and twenty, and article thirteen, treaty of June twenty- Vg|_1'p_z]5E V0]_]|' Scqondr and an-

2.614. niuty for support of blacksmith (article six, treaty of October

eighteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty, and article nine, treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twent —five and article Edu tl thirteen, treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty- ,_.0,_g¤j[;g5; You 1, five, $600; for permanent annmty for education (article two treaty rx eu. of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-five and article Im ammm ;2il;1;%r;5,0t6·§at{y of Jime twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty- g;;:,7,p,z35; vein, t Bd; é J 2 Or P6!`m8·Y}€Ht· $·¥}¤Ull9Y fo!‘ IPOD and steel (article nine, 2- · articg ol _ taéiuary twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, and §¥ty;§vB;Lr$3%1g·t§;a£H <%f1g1'g1§)twenty-second, eighteen hundred and ¤lr)il:;?r$rS0i$r¤°$°$?” _ For the salaries and_expenses of not to exceed six oil and gas inspectors, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, to supervise oil and gas mining operations on allotted lands leased by