SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 125. 1916. I5]. nineteen hundred and fourteen, at Flandreau Indian School, South Dakota,_is hereby reappropriated and made immediately available for the purchase and installation of a water tank and the purchase of dairy cattle for said school. { Sch For support and education of two hundred and fifty Indian pupils P°"° °°l‘ at the Indian school at Pierre, South Dakota, including pay of superintendent, $43,750; for general repairs and improvements, $6,000; for steel water tank, $2,000; for new boilers and installation thereof, $@000; for addition to shop building, $1,000; for barn, $5,000; in a , $60,750. ' For suptport and education of two hundred and Efty pupils mpid Cm s°h°°'· at the In ian school, Rapid City, South Dakota, meluding pay of . superintendent, $48,500; for general repairs and lmprovements, _ $5 000; for new school building, $30,000; m all, @83,500. _ Sioux of mgmt For sup ort of Sioux of different tribes, including Santee Sioux of mm, Nebraskafllorth Dakota, and South Dakota: For pay of five teachers, $f,§f’*{;f$l;_°6"§b_ one physician, one carpenter, one miller, one engineer, two farmers, and one blacksmith (article thirteen, treaty of April twenty-ninth, eigheleen lelundred and sixty-eiglit), $50,330; for egcon blle‘ck; . smit an lllllgl iron, stee an o er ma “ _ _1e e e1g 0 . Y same lzreaty) $1,600; for ay of additional employeesjat the several wldmm °“°l°" agencies for the Sioux in Ngbraska, North Dakota,_and South Dakota, Bu $95,000; for subsistence of the Sioux, other than the Rosebud, (They- w’°°"°°` enne River, and St8Dd1Dg_R00k Tribes, and purposes of their V0L,9,p_256_ civilization (Act of February twentygeighth, eighteen_hundred and PWM. seventy-seven), $200,000: Provided, _ at this sum shall mclude trlens- Tmswmim portation of supplies frem the termination of railroad or steam oat transporllietiqn, $d;l§ 00%1'YlC0 Indians shall be employed whenever ractica e; m , . P For supp-olrt and maintenance of day and industrial schools among S°h°°1" the Sioux dians, including the erection repairs of school build- vol. 19, p` ml ings, $200,000, m accordance with the provisions of artrcle Eve of the agreement made and entered mto Sepitember twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, and ratified ebruary twenty-eighth, eighteiegdhunéleefd aed seventy-seven (Nineteenth Statutes, page two hunan t — our . “ The Secregary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to :¤£ii3i£l°°°| °°h°°l cause investigation to be made as to tthe probable cost of providing ,,§:',,'§,f"‘“°“·”’°'°· on the various Sioux Indian Reservations adequate schoo facilities for the children of the Sioux Tribes who are now without Government or public school facilities on the respective reservations, and to make a report thereof to Congress on or before the Erst Monday in January nineteen hundred an seventeen, together with a complete and detailed statement of the {per capita cost per annum, including mileage paid, now ex ended or the education of the Sioux Indian children in all the sclibols, whether on or off the respective reservations, and there is hereby appropriated for the expense of such mvest1?· E¤1¤¤¤¤¤¤- tion and report the sum of $1,000 or so much thereof as may e necessary, to be immediately available. _ Ymkm S,m_ For subsistence and civilization of the Yankton Sioux, South sutsmua, ae. Dallmiiatligchdlug Pals, of idmfifalilitlzzédagcl-iioggithe asylum for insane °“”*°“‘ O 6 H1 IDB1'1 8.11 Expamas ot ixmne Indians at Csfiitmiii, South Dakota, for incidental and ell other expenses *¤"¤¤- necessary for its proper conduct and management, including pay of employees, repairs, improvements, for necessary expense of transporting insane Indians to and from said asylum, Q45,000. swam Rock R_s_ For a proportionate share of the amount releuired to construct a emma. W8·g0H road or highway thi-ougllxéie Standing eek Indian Reserve? m ¤'¤*¢¤· tion in Coxson County, South ota, from a point on the River north of Pontis, South Dakota, thence in a northwesterly direc-
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