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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/173

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152 SIXTY-FOURTH conemass. sms. 1. cu. 125. 1916. ` e town of Tatanka, the sum of $5 000, in accordance with ilrodlreupotrli. of the Secretary of the Interior of l)ecember seventh, mneteen hundred and fourteen, made in Xnursuance of the provisions of V°" 3°·p‘°°°‘ section twenty of the Act entitled “Act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the_Bureau_o Indian ' { treat stx ulatrons with various Indian tribes, Affairs, or fulfilling y Esc _ _ _ , and fi' °3hm1°’ "`“Zi"?£"§’Lt£°$ tm “'Ifr" °“‘i‘%‘ie'Z"’§?nE*2Zl}$°i*i;n’3F;Zi teen rm an , approve uuirs , rmzs. and fourteen: Promkled, That such sum s all be expended under the ,,,l,§_'“““ hw °° b° direction of the Secretary of the Interior in such manner and at such times as he may deem roper, m the employment of Indian labor for- R°°"“°°t‘ the construction of road_or hrghwag, and that the same shall be V0, 3,, P cm reimbursable from the Standing Rock eservatron three per centum ` ` fund under the Act of February fourteenth, nineteen hundred and thirteen E(Tl;irty-seventh Statutes at Large, page six hrmdred and seventy- ve . UM . UTAH. 3:,5* °““'°°°""° Sec. 23. For support and civilization_ of Confederated Bands of $,i•{¤g'°",r,;_*°~ Utes: For pa of two carpenters, two mrllers, two farrners, and two ' ’p` blacksmiths {article fifteen, treaty of March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight), $6,720; for pay of two teachers game article and treaty) $1,800; for o iron andsteel and the necessary tools for blacksmith shop (article nine, same treaty), $220; for-

  • `°°¤·•*°· annual amormt for the purchase of beef, mutton, wheat, Hour, beans,

and potatoes, or other necessagy articles of food and clothmg, and -'>¤r>¤¤v¤··- f equipment (article tw ve, same treaty), $30,000; for pay M 0, M of emcployees at the several agencies, $15,000; rn all, $53,740. agz°i’Lli°i°Z°&1.¤sI For the support and civilization of detached Indians rn Utah, · Um Cmmmm including pay of employees, $10,000. am,1s.`_ _ The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to withdraw ,,,{,‘§§§',§"2,§§,°§,_" ° "' from the Treasury of the United States, within his discretion, the sum of $300,000 of the principal funds to the credit of the Confederated Bands of Ute Indians and to eipend the sum of $50,000 of said amount for the benefit of the Ute ountain (formerl Navajo Springs) Band of said Indians in Colorado, and the sum oi, $200,000 of said amount for the Uintah, White River, and Uncom ahgre Bands of Ute Indians in Utah, and the sum of $50,000 of said} amount for the Southern Ute Indians in Colorado, which sums shall be charged to ";:r¤_$;u4;x$:p_a¤fd: said bands, and the Secretary of the Interior is also authorized to am:. withdraw from the Treasury the accrued interest to and including June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, on the funds of the said Confederated Bands of Ute Indians a propriated under the \’¤>¤-¤7.r>~¤¤4- Act of March fourth, nineteen hundred and thirteen (Thirtyseventh Statutes at Large, page nine hundred and thirty-four), and to expend or distribute the same for the purpose of promoting civilization and selilsupport same?] the said Indians, under such rewiilgtions as the §$mi··>·0, expand, Secretary of the terior may prescribe: Pravided, t the Secremm. tary of the Interior shall report to Congress, on the first Monday in December, nineteen hundred and seventeen, a detailed statement sms md m,cu,_ as to all moneys expended as provided for herein. mi-euqpiemma To carry mto effect the provision of article nine of the treaty of ‘°'*‘°·*"'m· March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight (Fifteenth Statutes at Large, {rage srx hundred and nineteen), with the Confederated Bands of 'te Indians, for furnishing seeds and agricultural imple- Kam,) Rmmtim ments, the sum of $10,000, or so much thereof as may be necessarv. Highway *-¤1‘¤¤sh. _ For a proportionate share of the amount re uired to construct an ,,m,_m_ interstate wagon road or highway thro h thetliaibab Indian Reserves or raamammr. vatron, Utah, the sum of $9,000: Prmi·i§ed, That such smn shall be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior- in such