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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/176

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 125. 1916. 155 Provided, That the lands hereby granted shall be paid for by the Pmwm. _ said society at their appraised value, to be ascertained in such man- mw °°°'°‘m°{ ner as the Secreta 0 the Interior may prescribe, and the proceeds thereof placed in ge Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Indians belongin on the reservation of which the lands herein _ _ described are a part: zilhrwidedfurther, That the lands hereby anted d.,I,§"°“°“"‘ ‘°'b‘°` shall be sub`ect for a piriod of twenty-five years to all the lzlws of the Illlréged States pro `biting the introduction of intoxicants into the 'an country. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized dflggt §§§§;’,§°,§§s?;j to sell and dispose of not to exceed twenty acres of that portion of regenthe lands situated on the north side of and within the limits of the rm, ‘° °I uuuwmnds abandoned Fort Splokane Military Reservation, State of Washington, V0, 3Q 584 not necessary for ospital purposes, as provided for in the Act ap- "p` ` roved Awt nrst, nineteen undred and fourteen (Thirty-eighth Statutes at Large, page five hundred and eight -four), at not less P , t Bd. , than the appraised va ue thereof, and to place the proceeds thereof spokmms °°r I°° E the of the United States to the credit of, the Spokane In- `ans in said tate. i A That there be, and hereb is `nted`to school district numbered K“°k“““’°“"‘¥· fifty-six, Klickitat County, Washrgdggton, the northwest ciluarterj of the R¤]§:ur~?g¤°¤ii gr?} northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the ‘nort east quarter t°’ °"° °° °s°s` of section eleven, township isis; north, range fourteen east of the . Willamette meridian, containing two and one—half acres, now used as a public school site by said district, and beinglg part of the Yakima Indian Reservation, and the Secretary of the terior is authorized po issge patent to said district for said lands, the same to be used or sc oo purposes. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereb , authorized ?§f,°§i,Ql§°,{,“,,`},I{*#,"0j to make an allotment of not more than eighty acres 0; land within the diminished Colville Indian Reservation in the State of Washington to Se-cum—ka—nullax in lieu of a portion of the Moses agreement aplrétirrept ridumfllnierled thirty-six embraced within the homestead entry 0 ar es . c ’erson. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized S0$lm]°° M' m°k°" and drrected to accept the homestead proof submitted by Charles M. ,,0,’Q*,,°,.‘{,‘,°§d*f“" ’“"Y Hickerson for that part of his homestead embraced within allotment numbered thirty-six to Se-cum-ka-nullax, of Chief Moses’s Band of Indians, if the same is shown to be in compliance with the homestead laws, and the title of said Indian to that part of said allotment ernbraccd within said entry is hereby extingrnshed. The Secretztiryhof gre Ipgtegior is puthorized and directed tpl leasg RTE to citizens 0 the nit tates or min1ng` urposes una otte ° ““,m° u_ mineral lands on the diminished Spokane Reservgtion in the State of gil:-}i:ld.hmdS K Washington for periods of twenty-five years with privileges of renewal, on such reasonable renewal, conditions as may be determined by the Secretary of the Interior, and also with reasonable conditions to be fixed by the Secretary of the Interior providing for the prosecution of mining development and operation. Such leases shall be made to applicants in the order in which applications shall be made. Free op rtunity shall be given for prospecting of the said lands, and rental slliiill be based upon min' production, and shall be reasonable, ang fipe plroceeds of rental slixzill be paid into the Spokane Indian trr a un . That there is hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the Treasury _2$iZi??0§§;“$§}m not otherwise appro riated, $95,000, to be used by the Commissioner ggg*g§‘,{ mm °“°‘* of Indian Affairs unlder the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, in the acquisition of water rights for the lands heretofore allotted to Indians, situated within the boundaries of the West Okanogan Valley irrigation district, Okanogan County, Washington, and for the