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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/175

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154 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS., · Sess. I. Ch. 125. 1916. Y¤kims R•••‘*¤· truction of a dam across the Yakima River for the diversion uiilxcmuing irriptiun an§(ii·ti=§:ition of water provided for forty acres of each Indian allotsyzgtéstermummw mam on the Yakima Rcsarvatiou, Washinpwn, and such other Water m _ supply as may be available or obtainable or the irrgation of a. total of one hundred and twenty thousand acres of allotte Indian land on said reservation, and for beginning the enlargement extension of the distribution and drainage system on said reservation, $200,000, to be imnmdiatel available an to remain available until expended: .§,,"?,,'§,',',;’,;,,,,,,,,,,,, by Provided, That tile cost of the entire diversion works and distribution cwmrsoilands. and drainage system shall be reimblmsed t0_the United States by tl10 ` owners of the lands irrigable thereunder in not to exceed twenty annual payments, and the Secretary of the Interior may fix_operation and maintenance charges which shall be as he may direct. Avrormnmvnt ¤f In the apportionment of charges against ndians, due owance shall Kia °g°ms° hk be made for such amounts as may have been repaid the United States on account of reimbursable appropriations heretofore made for this project, and for the construction o the irrigation system prior to the V°’·”·P·5°5· ass e of the Act of December twenty-first, mneteen hundred and f)oura2gl`hirt —third Statutes at Large, page five_hundred_ and ninety- ,,¤'g¤P°§,m°h“'§g° ° five), as therein provided. All charges ag;mst_ Indian allottees im mm herein authorized unless otherwise pai may paid from individual shares in the tribal fund when the same is available for distribution, and if any allottee shall receive patent in fee to his allotment before the amount so charged against him has been paid to the United States, then such amount remaining unpaid shall be and become a hen upon his allotment, and the fact of such lien shall be recited in such patent and may be enforced by the Secretary of the Interior blyigore osure as a mortgage, and should any Indian sell any part of allotment with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, the amount of any unpaid char es against the land sold shall be and becomes a first lien E¤f¤¤¤¤¤¤*· thereon andg may be enforced by Secretary of the Interior by foreclosure as a mortgage, and delivery of water to such land may be refused within the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior until all €,»’§",§’,'*,,,,,,,_, mw, dues are paid: Provided further, That no rig t to water or to the use

¤p¤¤¤¤• Wim of any irrisaintion ditch or other structure on said reservation shall

’ vest or be owed until the owner of the land to be irrigated as herein provided shall comply with such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, and he is hereby authorized to prescribe such rules and regulations as he may determine proper for makin effective the foregoing provisions, and to require of owners of landg in fee such security for the reimbursement herein required as he may determine necessary, and to refuse delivery of water to any tract of land until the owners thereof shall have complied therewith. ugrmygwior ¤·1<y· For the third installment in payment of $635,000 for water supply to slams. mp? for irrigation of forty acres of each Indian allotment on the Yakima Indian Reservation irrigation system in the State of Washington, "°’· 38- P· °°‘· provided by the Act of August first, nineteen hundred and fourteen (Thirty-e-ig th Statutes at Large page six hundred and four), $100,000 to be covered into the reclamation fund. H§:;!£zSt%c¤i°wS¤w That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereb , authorized 1.m¤n_ in cam:. to (patent to the Washmtgton State Historical.Society, for memorial §,f’°°'”“°° Umm an vplark purposes, the ollowin -described lands in the diminished D¤=¤rip¤<¤. Col e Indian Reservation, in tire State of Washington, to wit: A tract of land not exceeding four acres in area located in the northwest corner of lot two of section seventeen, the precise description of said tract to be determined by said Washington Historical Society and the Secretary of the Interior prior to the issuance of the patent therefor, an lot seven, containing twenty and ninety one—hun— dredths acres of section twent%_—one, all in township thirt north, range twenty-five east of the illamette meridian, in Washington: