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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/178

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 125. 1916. 157 and moneys of the _Pottawatomie Tribe in which they have not shared, as set forth m House Document Numbered Eight hundred and thirty (Sixtieth Congress, first session), and the Secretary of the US°°‘°¤°“¤°· Interior is hereby authorized to expend the said sum of $100,000 in the clearing of land and the purchase of houses, building material, seed, animals, machinery, tools, implements, and other equipment and supplies necessary to enable said Indians to become self-support- 4 ing: Provided, That in order to train said Indians in the use and gyéfghtwrmpim handling of money, not exceeding $25,000 of the above appropriation may be paid to them per capita, or be deposited to then· credit subject to expenditure in such manner and under such ru.les and reggations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe. e Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to withdraw g¢5pggi¤¤gt¤· at from the Treasury of the United States, m his discretion, the sum of from msiiiiiudus. °" $300,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, of the tribal funds of the Menominee Indians in Wisconsin, arisin under the provisions of the Acts of June twelfth, eighteen hundredg and ninety (Twenty- V<>{·§»1>·g46· sixth Statutes at Large, page one hundred and forty-six), and March v° ’ p' l` twenty-eighth, nineteen imdred and eight (Thirty-fifth Statutes at fm L Lar e, page fifty-one), and to expend the same in the cle _ ¤_ei U’°° °"° Ianni the erection of sanitary homes, and the purchase of material, seed, teams, farming equipment, dairy stock, machinery, tools implements, and other geqlqipment and supplies necessary to enable said Indians to become -supp0rting‘un er such regulations as he may prescribe: Provided, That no lands shall be cleared for ,,_,,·";'§,{.,'§‘,,,°,,,,,,,l,,,, agricultural purposw, pursuant to the foregoing provision, excepting i¤zl¤¤¤¤·

uch lands as have been heretofore completely and wholly cut over. sans or forest pm-

Section three of the Act of March twenty-eighth nineteen hundred “$f,§;,, _5,,,,,,,,,d,,,_ and eight (Thirty-fifth Statutes at Lhrgle; age nity-one), is hereby ¤¤dg¤**°¤- amended to rea : "That the lumber, tlii, shmf es, cratinv, ties, piles, poles, posts, bolts, logs, bark, pulp wood, an other marketable iplatipigals pgtaipied frogirtde forgets goga the Men Reservqtign s a e so un er suc es an re tions as e ret 0 e m,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,m,,,_ Interior may prescribe. The net ygoaceeds of the sale of add forest P products shall be deposited in the asury of the United States to hump the credit of the Menominee Tribe of Indians. Such proceeds_shaIl bear interest at the rate of four per centum per annum, and the interest shall be used for the benefit of such Indians in such manner as the Secretary of the Interior shall prescr1be." _ B G mm M T iw That without bias or prejudice to the rights or interests of any dulflla1Iibeaulieser;·a- . part to the litigation now pending, the Secretary of the Interior be “*g‘,5;, ,,,,,,,,,,m,,, dg and he hereby is, authorized to sell the timber on the so-called "school purod lends lands" and "swamp lands" within the boundaries of the Bad Riyer and Lac du Flambeau Indian Reservations in Wisconsin, and to which it of the State of Wisconsin has asserted a claim; to keep a separate D°°°° ° account of the proceeds of such sale with each legal subdivision of such land and to deposit the said proceeds at interest in a national bank, bonded for the safe-keeping of individual Indian moneys, to be paid over, together with the interest thereon, to the partdy or parties Pmm who shall finally be adjudged to be entitled to such un : Provided, Cusantdsale. That the consent of the State oi;]-lparties claiming title therefrom be Obtained before any such sale sh be made. _ Lac com O,,,m,,S_ With the consent of the Indians of the Lac Court Oreilles Tribe, to be obtained in such manner as the Secretaiiy of the Interior may ‘ require, ilowage rights on the unallotted triba lands, and, with the consent of the allottee or of the heirs of any deceased allottee and under such rules and reqilations as the Secretary of the Intenor may rescribe, iiowage rig ts on any allotted lands in the Lac Lourt

 Reservation, in the State of Wisconsin, may be leased 01* Dmmmm“m_

granted for storage-reservoir purposes. _ The tribe, as a condition to smmisa, ac. giving its consent to the granting or leasing of iiowage rights on tribal