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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/179

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158 SIXTY-FOU’RTH CONGRESS; Sess. I. Ch. 125. 1916. lands, and any allottee or the heirs of any deceased allottee, as a condition to giving his or their consent to the leasing or granting of flowage rights on their respective allotments, mag determme, subject to the a proval of the Secreta of the Interior, w at consideration or rental shall be received for sub-h iiowage rights, and in what manner and for what urposes such consideration or rentalshall be paid or exlpended; and the consideration or rental shall be paid or expended un er such rules and regulations as the Secretary o the Interior mg? prescribe. m§,°d mm R°°'"" For the completion of the road on the Red Cliff _ eservation ¤<k¤p1<>¤¤¢r¤¤<1¤L $6,500, to be reimbursed out of the funds of the Indians of said reservation, under such rules, regulations, and conditions as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe. W"°““i“*‘ WYOMING. S*‘,,,°°*’°'”“w,,· Sec. 26. For s rt and civilization of Shoshone Indians in S 'M W oming, incl y of emfployees, $15 000. _ R t. Mh L hor support and ucation o one hundred and seventy-five Indian °°°m um °° pu ils at the Indian school, Shoshone Reservation, Wyoming mcluding pay of superintendent, $31,025; for general repairs and F mm im rovements, $5,000; in all, $36 025. _ vm. 1:., p.tli%.ty· ger support of Shoshones in Wyoming: For r5g· of physician, teacher, carpenter, miller, engineer, farmer, and ksmith (article ten, treaty of July third, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight), $5,000; " for pay of second blacksmith and such iron and stee and other materials as may be required, as per artncle eight, same treaty, rm wanna. SIEQOO? m ?u¤ $@000* ’ . . mam. or at the old abandoned mihtary post of Fort Washalne, mmm tm on the md River Reservation, Wyoming, $1,721. nsmsmm. I For continuinglthe work of constructing an irrigation system within °°"’"°°“°" the diminished oshone or Wind River Reservation, m Wyoming, R mt including the maintenance and operation of completed canals, V:l?§?p.1016. $50,000, reimbursable in accordance with the revisions of the Act of lgarch tlgrg, nineteen hundred and Eve, ans to remain available unt en e . iei,giii»i°r»$°"i$i.“ri$i•€ To 61;-i)able the Secretary of the Interior to have pre ared and "°”°°*’°‘“""""“‘ submitted to Congress at the of the next regular session plans and estimates of the character an cost of structures necessary or completing the 1m§ation of all of the irrigable lands of the Shoshone or Win River eservation, including the ceded lands of said Rm md mma reservation, in Wyoming $5,000. — ` For continuing the worlr of constructin roads and bridggs within the diminished hoshone or Wind River lleservation, in yoming, $25,000, said sum to be reimbursed from any funds which are now gg may hereafter be placed in the Treasury to the credit of said In- . ans. m'¢§°ms` For palygment of salary and expenses of Joseph H. Norris as supervisor o dian schools, October twenty—5rst to November eleventh, mdmumlmm inclusive, nineteen hundred aud twelve, $257. Annual amazes cr Sec. 27. On the first Monday in December, nineteen hundred and {§‘f,§’§‘}, “,§‘{,,°§§’§§,‘}{j seventeen, and annually thereafter, the Secretary of the Treasury °°°· shall transmit to the Speaker of the House of Representatives estimates of the amounts of the receipts to, and expenditures which the Secretary of the Interior recommends to be made.for the benefit of the Indians from, all tribal fnmds of Indians for the ensuing fiscal T°”°"°"°“’”* year ; and such statement shall show (first) the total amounts estimated to be received from any and all sources whatsoever, which will be placed to the credit of each tribe of Indians, in trust or other- Truty armaments. ynse, at the close of the ensuing fiscal gear, (second) an analysis showing the amounts which the Federal overnment is directed and re-