SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 125, 126. 1916. 159 quired by treaty stipulations and agreements to expend from each of said funds or from the Federal Treasiuy, givintg references to the ms, ts existing treaty or agreement or statute, (third) e amounts which emmmaea. '°°` the Secretary of the Interior recommends to be spent from each of the tribal unds held in trust or otherwise and the puryiihse for which said amounts are to be expended, and statement s 1 show the Ps I amounts which he recommends to be disbursed (a) for per capita w”°;‘;°" payments in money to the Indians, (b) for salaries or compensation C°;,,,',,,_,s_ of officers and cmp oyees, (c) for com nsation of coxmsel and attor— ,,,,,,,,,,,,_ ney fees, and (d) or support and civilizzationz Provided, That there- Ngnveymmtwimwt after no money shall be expended from Indian tribal funds without s°§°xc§’pf{L€°.2P’i°“°°‘ specific appropriation by ngress except as follows: Equalization o ahotments, educationdof in ian children acciordlanple withhexiiting aw, er ca ita an other a ents o w ic are ere V V ,, continuedpin mi force and gucci; ygrovided {War, rua as shall ¤§ZQ£i..i?‘°"T "°‘ not change existinilaw with reference to the ive Civilized Tribes. Bmm0,Em,,,mV_V_ Sec. 28. On or efore the thirty—iirst day of December, nineteen Tosubmitsystemo! hundred and sixteen, the‘Bureau of Eihciency shall lpirepare and },’,?$§°*’,‘3§{,i§;§ submit to the Secretary of the Interior a system of boo eeping and *°},;,,, P an accounting for the Bureau of Indian Affairs thatiwill jenable the said ’ ' Secretary on or before Jul? first, nineteen hundred and seventeen, v°,_,,, p_ m to meet the requirements o section twenty-six of the Indian Appro- ' priation Act approved June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and_ thirteen (Thirty-eighth tatutes at Large, page one hundred and three). Approved, May 18, 1916. CHAP. 126.-An Act To amend the Act approved June twenty-fifth, nineteen ¥§¥g’5%§§` hundred and ten, authorizing the postal savings system, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re entatives o the United States of America in Congress assembled ,jTha1trsGiich part off section six gw sysof the _Act approved June twenty-fifth nineteen undred and ten, ‘°§¥;,,_ 36, p_ ,,5, authorizing a system of postal savings depositories, as reads "but no ¤¤;•;<g·u<:;t N dm.], one shall be permitted to deposit more than $100 in any one calendar mix mmm, mi month" is hereby amended to read as follows: "but the balance to · the credit of any person, upon which interest is payable, shall not Mami", N exceed $1,000, exc usive of accumulated interest’ ; and said Act is without i¤m•d°l°°°i¤- further amended so that the proviso in section seven thereof shall read ,6, p_ 8,,, as follows: "Pro·v·ided, That the board of trustees may, in their dis- ¤¤¤¤¤¤•¤- cretion, and under such regulations as such board may promulgate, accept additional deposits not to exceed in the aggregate $1,000 for each depositor, but upon which no interest shall be dpaid." _ _ ,,,1,,,,,, 0, ,m_,, m Sec. 2, That ostal savings funds received un er the provisions mpgs-. ,6 m of this Act shall) be deposited in solvent banks, whether organized ,.,,,,.;,.;_ ’ " ’ under National or State laws, and whether member banks or not of *•· the Federal reserve system established by the Act approved December voidndss, p. ass, twenty-third, nineteen hundred and thirteen, eing subject to ’““" ‘ National or State supervision and examination, and the sums de- mmm muh., posited shall bear interest at the_ rate of not less than two and oneourth per centum per annum, which rate shall be uniform throughout Ram mm the United States and Territories thereof; but five per centum o such funds shall be withdrawn by the board of trustees and kept with the Sm,,RVm¤,M_ Treasurer of the United States, who shall be treasurer 0 the board . of trustees, in lawful money as a reserve. The board of trustees shall take from such banks such security in public bonds or other securities, authorized by Act of Congress or supported by the power, as the board may prescribe, approve, and deem sufficient and necessary to insure the safety an prompt payment of such ,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,,,_ deposits on demand. The funds received at the postal savm$ v¤·i¤1¤¤•¤y· depository offices in each city, town, village, and other locality sh
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