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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/183

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162 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 126. 1916. ` ing one year until the service shall have commenced under a contract yplmul to dg made according to law: Provided, That the cost of temporaug service f¤¤1¤¤z¤¤¤¢r¤¤v¤r.•¤¤- rendered necessary by reason of the failure of any accepted idder to enter into contract or a contractor to perform service shall be charged to su h bidder or contractor.

 “’ °°""‘°' Sufi. 9. That if angcperson shall hereafter plerform any service for

Lim www fw- any contractor or su ntractor in carryinglt e mail, he shall, upon ' in the de artment his contract for suc service and satisfacto P YY evidence of its performance, thereafter have a lien on any money due such contractor or subcontractor for such service to the amount of same; and if such contractor or subcontractor shall fail to pay the party or parties who have performed service as aforesaid the amount P. mt b Pm due for such service within two months after the expiration of the ¤¤ay}°cm.-sl month in which such service shall have been performed the Postmaster _ General ma cause the amount due to be paid said party or parties {,',{@;m_ and chargcdv to tfhplcolistractor} Provided, That suc? Iéplyment shall not in any case exc the rate 0 pay per annum o contractor or subcontractor. $‘§‘{§‘§’g"°;,"?§,,6_ (Time. IEE Lfhgt the Act of Marph fourith, nineteendhundred and nine •¤¤¤¤»<r 'rt - t tatutes page e even un an twen ) he P¤¢,p.418. anrfgigbd kilmad ashtglplowsz H ah ly W·$1X » W¤¤¤¤v *¤1¤¤¤ at w oever s y or m 'cious in°ure tea d wn or $2nm¤u¢E¤¤¤¤m’l‘:°:eg destroy ang letter box or other receptacle intended or udedilor ’the receipt or elwery of mail on any mail route, or shall break open the same, or shall wi lfully or mahciously injure, deface or destro any ` mail deposited therein, or shall willfully take or steal such mail, from or out of such letter box or other receptacle, or shall willfully aid or P¤¤i¤¤¤¤¤¤=¤¤·· asésist rp) any pil til; 8.fo§¢EIlGl;l’»l0D6d olfeplsles, shall for;) every such o ense epzmis e ya eo notmoret $1,000 ' — _ _ ment for not more than three years." n Or y lmpmson

 Sec. 11. That the l1m1t_0f weight of mail matter of the first class

fzvwv, m pw ami]; be tlxiletsaime as is applicable to maiil of the fodugth class: Provided, an wu mma. a_no iceorpac ageexceeding our un i 'ht hallbe ‘¥°g’·!?’“· admitted to the mails under the penalty ligivilegenuvhlgs it? comes within the exceptions named in the Acts of June eighth, eighteen V0] 34 m hundred and ninety-six (chapter three hundred and seventy, Twenty- · »P· - ninth Statutes, plage two hundred and sixty-two), and June twenty- sixth, nineteen undred and six (chapter thirty-five hundred and forty-pix, Thirty-fourth Statutes, page four hundred and seventy- seven . m§‘f“§$f‘§‘§,‘;{f‘°;j Sec. 12. That postagp stamps affixed to all mail matter or to .¤¤¤¤¤ · stamped envelopes m w ch the same IS mclosed shall, when deposited for mailing or I1 be d f bg th postm h iling e very, e ace e aster at the ma` Frm} office. Provided, That when practice le postage stamps may be furrreemstusgsiitwsa mshed to giostmasters preeanceled by printing on them the name of the post office at which they are to used, under such regulations as mum bm the ostmaster General may prescribe. _ v,,,_ 33, g_ , ,0, Sec. 13. That section two of the Act of A r1l twenty-eighth nine- ·¤¤¤¤<¤¤1~ teen hundred and four (chgpter seventeen llumdred and fiftymine Thisty-tgnirid Statutes, page our hundred and forty), be amended td rea as o ows: Ag¤¤r>¤¤¤¤¤.<·fvg2=¤; "That under such regulations th P t te Ge el - {XR §L§¤°§§i°m°5 nh tablish for the collection of the lagsful rtizveliisuglddd for ftlfillitaialirtg Elie pandhng of suchhmattexlg in the mails it shall be lawful to accept for _ ransmission in the mai without postage stamps affixed uantities °‘“‘“""’· of not less than three huhdred identical pieces of third iq tte Mm"` E my by and of second-class matter and two hundred and fifty ideiitiilnsalngiilecedl r f f urth 1 · · · mm nspmmm, o o —c ass matter, and packages of money and securities mailed under postage at the first or ourth class rate by the Treasury Depart-