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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/184

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Crm. 126, 127. 1916. · 163 ment: Promkled, That postage shall be fully prepaid thereon at the §j,°x’mm, "_ rate required by law for a single piece of such matter " qump. Sec. 14. That the Act approved January twenty-first, nineteen $'§‘}Y‘§‘§,’°,$?°§78, hundred and fourteen (Thirty-eighth Statutes, page two hundred and °m°¤d°d· seventy-eight), authorizing the ostmaster General to adjust certain claims of pgstmasters for cm by burglary, fire, or other unavoidable casualty, so amended as to include Navy mail clerks and assistant dgjgg ¤¤¤¤¤*·¤¤i¤· Navy mail clerks. ` Sec. 15. That hereafter the Postmaster General may enter into ¤*=¤Jy&,_ contracts for the conduct of contract stations for a term not exceeding uma. M two years. Sec. 16. That on and after July iirst, nineteen hundred and sixteen, ,,,§°,°,€§_" °'““ P°“‘ when the total compensation of any postmaster at a post office of the Xg: *2- P·%h,g,m fourth class for four consecutive quarters shall amount to $1,000, ¤1¤¤.]g°m°° exclusive of commissions on money orders issued, and the receipts of P°"·“ “& such giost office for the same rio shall aggregate as much as $1,900, the uditor for the Post Ogce Department shall so report to the Postmaster General, who shall, in pursuance of such report,. assign such post office to its proper class, to become elfectévoat the rwgms ning of the next succeeding quarterly period, andiiixxthe salary the postmaster accordin%y. fi iu; e _ _ Sec. 17.Thatallwsorpartsoflawsmco¤il1ctwiththe pro-,,,Q’f;L“‘°"“¤‘“"'* visions of this`Act are hereby repealed Approved, May 18,1916. ‘ * Adil?. Act go Iprovide gg; the ofbvlgliat is aslgche ]{§Y{£’;£°;'

 H gé, KCYOS G otomac VCI, RD. OI 9 d.I.l1g0 8   0 [Public, Nov 81]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Re esentatives of the United States of America in Congress aseernbled`fThg.)i:` the Secretary of War :°t:'§i:;:'$é be, an he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be con- uerlpimc by new structed a bridge across the Potomac River at or near what is now °"°‘ known as the queduct Bridge replacing said bridge with a substantial structure, at a cost ior the bridge and the necessary °¤•*· approaches thereto of not more than $1,000,000. 1:0. 2. That the Secretary of War is further authorized, if in his ,u—}dg¤g;_§*;p¤•¤°, g' judgment it should be necessary, to acquire any lands, easements, ew. ’ rights, or property on each side of the Potomac River, by {purchase or condemnation, as maylbe necessary for the construction 0 said bridge and the aplproaches thereto. Sec. 3. hat in the discharge of his duties hereimder, the Secretary g,§_¤g*°_{c¤=¤¤° °* *=¤· of War is hereby authorized and directed to employ the services of ` such engineers and other persons, as he shall determme to be necessary to carry out the rovisions of this Act. Sec. 4. That tlie sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as may be l,g,‘,f, _ '°‘ necessary, is hereby appro riated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated; for the purpose of seeming proper plans and for the payment of any lands, easements, rights, or 'Bpoperty necessary in the construction of said bridgle: Provided, at the PL,§';,,’*$,,,,,,,,_ plans and specifications herein authorized s all be so drawn and prepared as to insure the construction of a bridge and approaches Ama of um thereto within the limit of cost of $1,000,000 as fixed herein. The ezrmerrme AAL, Secretary of War shall advise with the Commission of Fine Arts in regard to the location, plans and specifications of said bridge and Bm,uwmmc,,m_ approaches. As soon ms the plans and specifications are approved t e Secretary of War shall ve ublio notice of the spec_ cations and mvite competitive bids Thr the construction of the bridge and