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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/186

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 130, 131. 1916. 165 CHAP. 180.-An Act To prevent fraudulent advertising in the Districtovf Columbia. Qvgiwl S B6 “;".r“d by W Em and wsfsmrzim °{.;’;·<£:1**“’ ‘"b“*M* tates 0 menba in mtgress ass at it s be a in 1>i¤¤i¤¢¤f<>¤¤¤¤¤bi¤· the Distrift of Columbia. for alpy sprsog, Ermulassogationa coppora- in§ri::1du:11g!i:1?il,“n» tion or a vertisin agency eit er `rec y or ir1 irec y to isp a or exhibit to the pulgic in any manner whatever, whethei· by handhill, placard, poster, picture, film, or other·wise; or to insert or cause to be mserted in anfy newspjaper, magazine, or_other publication printed in the District o Colum ra; or to issue, exhibit, or ID any vg.? distribute or disseminate to the public; or to deliver, exhibit, m or send to any person, firm, association or corporation any false, untrue, or misleading statement, representation or advertisement with intent to sell, barter, or exchange any gioods, wares or merchandise or anything of value or to deceive, mislea or induce any person, firm, association or corporation to purchase, discount, or in any way invest in or accept as collateral security any bonds, bill, share of stock, note, warehouse receipt, or any security; or with the purpose to deceive, mislead, or induce any person, firm, association or corporation to purchase, make any loan upon or invest in any property of any kind; or use any of the afpresaid methods with the intent or purpose to d5c`piy)p, mislead or in uce any other person or corporation or a v a e consideration to emtploy the services of any person, firm, association, or corporation so a vertisinglsuch services. _ _ t_ Sec. 2. Thattgrosecution ereunder shall be m the police court of P‘°°°°“ '°“· the District of lumbia iipgn information filed by the United States District Attorney for the ° trict of Columbia, or one of his assistants. Sec. 3. That any person, firm, or association violating any. of the P““’“’“”°“"°’· provisions of this c shall, upon conviction thereof, be pumshed by a. fine of not more than $500 or by imprisonment of not more than sixty days, or by both Hne and imcprisonment, in the discretion of the court. A corporation convicte of an offense under the provisions of this Act s all be fined not more than $500, and its president or such other officials as may be responsible for the conduct and management thprelpf shall be imprisone not more than sixty days, in the discretion o the court. Sn:. 4. Tliat all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent herewith are p,{,“g'3?*“‘°“°“"’* here y repea ed. Approved, May 29, 1916. CHAP. 18 1 .—An Act Granting the consent of Congress to commimioners of Charlton [lrieldofdigiifj gountyéfieorgia, and Nasau County, Florida, to construct a bridge across the Saint i arys wer. ’ S Be it ewgcted by thegeruzte and Hoiticirgfrgeprelammavw of Un·itcd tales 0 menlsa in rmgreaa aeeem at the consent o ngress Sem ¤¤¤‘= RM- is ge1§h§ graréted to the cor(pmissi3ne}1;s of Charlton Couarty, Georgia, »§§°Ez;:.n§si:g°!ii.¥&¤(i£;§ an assau ounty Floriaan teirsuccassorsan assignsto · Y construct, maintain,) and operate a. bridge and approaches theieto across the Saint Marys River, altna point sgriplablelitcilthe mterlegts of L°°‘"°"· navigation at or near a point own as a 'co i in acco ance with the piovisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regglate the con- $,·3=g’4¤=;¤·g- struction of bridges dogg- navigable waters," approved arch twenty- ’ ` third nineteen hun and six. Sn;}. That page right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby “"“‘°"“'"‘ express y reserv . Approved, May 29, 1916.