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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/185

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164 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cue. 127, 128. 1916. appréozphes tirereto the specifications, reserving the rig me ec any or suc . _ ,,,%;§"""· °‘°·· Sim. 5. That the said bridge shall be used as a h§hway for traffic, and for gas and water mains, power, telegraph an telephone wires or cables, and interurban railroads upon such conditions and for such P . compensation as may from time to time be prescribed bg the Secrewnmgglnmaoro tary of War: Provided, That the Washington and O1 ·D0m1Dl0D D°'“’“*°°D0,,b,° mg§,c_, Railway, now using the Aqueduct Bridge, shall belperm1tted, with pormmd. the apprplyal og tl§a10Secmtl:.r_tyhgf W&I‘,bli0 changedits ocatrciln soheas to ‘ crosswi a ou trac new ridge' an ap roaces rein Erovizled $01-, and tg cont£1¢;c&z)i;ts_rail;v23¤(;llocla;itedpinhA{;exandr1@st; oun_ irgmia, an m t' trrot o um ia wit the trac of S8.1g,l10W bridge; and that all plans for such dhange are to be ¤g•*¤"°¤sy¤°m¤_m?,°;*_j=· gipproveg bywthe0fSep1~etgréy ofpgsar: Ahnilu frgtérer, 'lgiatf. taudar sys m e_ec pro 1ons_ ms_ e said raiway_on sand new bridge, no dmmo poger to this portion of the road of said railway s be in any manner connected con on een an t ts t '"“.i “‘°§S’“€al$?° % £?2§..°°° 3€£“‘?”g °“"·&““i§““”i“it vary other noone giiopaid by Said railway: And provided ;urt•lle:·?uT}ia: ariimglesctgc """°”· railway shall have the right to use said new bridge and tile double _ track above described upon terms determined b the Secretary of sf ps. ,lY.'§i.§'i‘§d“oh°£..*`2l.“`lE °‘“‘i‘*· “*“€ $k°.5.“"‘ "Zd§’3’.¤ih‘i i“‘°““‘i’{1 __ M _¤- e _ _ mrso jom , _ tri ,,1- Elvmdriiivganmmwpm WQYS, mcludlng the Wqsbmgtpn and Old omrnion Railvldldyfusing said new_br1dg§ shall, in a drtron taxes and other charges, a monthly mto the Treasury of the United States the sum of one-had K§$g§°%§..i‘}%“§Ed"] “°“€;‘§°’”dhsgs°“°h "i“€'.l{’§" ?"’ “°“' _ _ , ona ra or c on t t - ,,§g§“*°°'°d·°°'D¤S· ported thereon, and of these sums, when aid into th§l1cl[`rea;iii1;, C 1 one-half shall be credited to the District of golumbia. mg{;gg_f°°¤ Med 6. That one—half of the entire expense of constructing said m¤lj_¤;r{_$y{a,¤;g¤¤¤¤¤ budge, and its mamtcmmce when constructed, including the amount appropriated m section four of this Act, shall be paid by the District o Columbia. E·}5;3_§*ggf¤g{¤*;{§*l; Sec. 7. That the sum of 825,000, or so much thereof as may be ¤ - necessaggs hereby appropriated, out of any mone in the Treasury of th: _ ruted Sgates not othehgwrse apprigrriated, {Yr; the purpose of mam armng an repairing t present queduct Bridge until the new bridge herein provided for is completed. Approved, May 18, 1916. Mav 18,1916. i {s..rZnos.11o.1 CHAP _ - . . , _ [Pub- R€$-y N0- l9·l PRES to J and other sup- Resolved by the Senate and House of Re ° • American Na tonal _ _ P7'88¢7!·td#'l‘l768 the U tod r>.%¤i% suizmy State; of America in Congress aseemJ>led, That the qovisiongz of .,.,,1,;,,,,,,,,,, ,,,0, ,0, ,,,, section one of the yomt resolution approved May giggth nineteen

a¤;¤g§¤g0<¥u;<g¤{?§gg¤&§ hundred and fourteen, authorizing the issue of military and naval

·.u;;n,p,m. equipment to the American National Red Cross be, and they are here y, so extended as to permit the issue of the same to the American tliatronal Rt1;g_Cross§ort§]he mstruction of persons who may volunteer receive t t' nineteen hundlilddlg and sixlieeiilsoc 18 mn from May first to June HNL Approved, May 18, 1916.