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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/225

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204 SIXTY;FOURTH CONGRESS. SEss. I. Ch. 134. 1916. ¤*”°¤*'· °"-“°· Columbia, such number of United St_ates service arms, with all accessories, iield—a§'·té1lle{·y matéixl, engsmeeirqcp0ahsItifin.;t;1l;eryé10s€§§;il, ani ma rie accou rmen e , _ g, gl;1(i¥`>?1ge,ii¥>riiTblications,,a.nd military stbres of all kinds,_ igclucgirig pub `c ammals, as are necessary to arm, uniform, and equip or ie ` service the National Guard_m the several States,_Terr1tor1es, and the

www District of Columbia: Pravulcd, That as a_c<Xid1t1<i1n pértieczedelnt   the

required. issue of any propergy as provided for by this ct, theil a E, ein ory, or the District of olumbia desiring such issue s a ma e a equa e provision, to the satisfaction of the Secretary of War, for the protec- P¤{¤¤g¤¤¤¤’°¤¤·*{'_s{¤Y tion and care of such property; Provided further, That, whenever it m8g¤l1id°¤qZn`¤li1iim&- shall be shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary of War that the

  • ‘l“€· National Guard of any State Territory, or the District of Columbia,

IS properly organized, armed, and eqpipped for field service, funds allotted to that State, Territory, or istrict for the snppport of its National Guard may be used for the purchase, from the ar Department, of any article issued by any 0 the supply departments 0 the Arm . m§f,‘;"§§f° ,‘g‘,,°§‘}§}; Sal;. 84. Under such regulations as the President may pfescribe, nisheii wi¤i¤¤¢ ¢1¤¤z¤- whenever a new type of equipment, small arm, or iield gun s have been issued to the National Guard of the several States, Territories, and the District of Columbia, such exgupment, smal1_a1ms, and field guns, including all accessories, shall e furnished without charging the cost or value thereof or any expense connected therewith §a1nst _ _ the appropriations provided for the support of the National uard. ,ss*,§,§g{‘°°m€P‘*°’·°‘°·· Sec. 85. Each State, Territory, and the District of Columbia shall, on the receipt of new property issued to replace obsolete or con- ' demned prior issues, turn_m to the War Department or otherwise dispose o , in accordance with the directions 0 the Secretary of War, all property so replaced or condemned, and shall not receive any money cre t therefor. _ _ _ _ C¤shSp¤¤g¤¤s¤¤et=;1— `·Sec. 86. Any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia may, liidxidai-ui; suits. " with the approval of the Secretary of War, purchase for cash from

  • ‘Q the War Dgpartment for the use of the National Guard, including

Q 37 the officers ereof, any stores, supphes, inaterialof war, and military publications furnishe to_ the A.rmy, m addition to those issued {lm MON under the provisions of this Act, at the pr1ce_at which theyhshall be ‘ `7’ listed to the Army, with cost of transportation added. _ e funds received from such sale shall be credited to the appropriation to which they shall belonv, shall not be covered into the Treasury, and shall be available until expended to replace therewith the sup lies sold to {,{_*;_*‘{;g}8qu,S,,,0¤9d the States in the manner herein authorized:Provided, That stores, mums www. supplies, and matériel of war so purchased by a State, Territory, or the District of Columbia may, in time of actual or threatened war, be requisitioned by the United States for use in the military service thereof, and when so requisitioned by the United States and delivered credit for the ultimate return of such roperty in kind shall be allowed to such State, Territory, or the Ilistrict of Columbia. mI;°¤¤=*g=d·¤t¤-»¤*°¥* Sno, 87. DISPOSITIONIAND REPLACEMENT or DAMAGED rnopnnrr ' AND so FORTH.·—All military property issued to the National Guard as herein provided shall remain the propert of the United States. veaizpggriéggitbyrsm- Whenever any such property issued to the llational Guard in any Y State or Territory or the District of Columbia shall have been lost, damaged, or destroyed, or become unserviceable or unsuitable by use in service or from any other cause, it shall be examined by a dis— interested surveying officer of the Re lar Arm or the National Guard,_ detailed b the Secret of \§slr, and the re rt of such . _ surveying officer shall be forwaaiged to the Secretary ofoWar, or to C'°d*°““°w°** such officer as he shall designate to receive such reports; and if it shall appear to the Secretary of War from the record of survev that the property was lost, damaged, or destroyed through unavoidable