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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/226

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six·rY-roURTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. ou. 134. 1916. 205 causes, he is hereby authorized to relieve the State or Territory or Nm°**¤· °°¤°· the District of Columbia from further accoimtability therefor. `If it du§§{mc;,';§ef,°sj1ggs?$é,}L‘ shall appear that the loss, dam e, or destruction of property was ' due to carelessness or neglect, oragiat its loss, damage, or destruction could have been avoided by the exercise of reasonable care, the money value of such Iproperty shall be charged to the accountable State, Territory, or istrict of Columbia, to be paid from State, . Territory, or District funds, or an funds other than Federal. If the S6§3.‘§,Pg_?i,§},»:§gé,gf,““‘ articles so surveyed are found to be unserviceable or unsuitable, the ` Secretary of War shall direct what disposition, by sale or otherwise, shall be made of them; and if sold, the proceeds of such sale, as well as stplppages against officers and enlisted men, and the net proceeds of co ections made from any (person or from any State, Territory, or District to reimburse the vernment for the loss, damage, or destruction of any property, shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States as a credit to said State, Territory, or the District ’*“°““°°’°'· of Columbia, accountable for said property, and as a apart of and in addition to that portion of its allotment set aside for e purchase of similar supplies, stores, or material of war: Provided {uri er, That if I,,§§f’*§‘§§l ,*°,,,§°{, K an State, Territory, or the District of Columbia s neglect or *·¤¤=¤e¤¤¤¤· refiise to pay, or to cause to be paid, the money equivalent of any loss, damage, or destruction of pro ertgf charged against such State, Territo , or the District of Columgia y the Secretary of War after surve lgry a disinterested officer appointed as hereinbefore provided, the Ssbcretary of War is hereby authorized to debar such State, Territo , or the District of Columbia from further participation in any anilrall appropriations for the National Guard until such pay- ment shall have been made. Sec. 88. The net proceeds of the sale of condemned stores issued d6f;fu°g°&°°*Stf)j°8’;* ff}; to the National Guard and not charged to State allotments shall be cmrgmw Sam auctcovered into the Treasury of the United States, as shall also stop- mms' ages against officers and enlisted men, and the net (proceeds of co - lections made from any person to reimburse the overnment for the loss, damage, or destruction of said pro erlty not charged against the State allotment issued for the use of the ational Guard. Sec. 89. Honsns ron CAVALRY AND FIELD Anrrnrnnr or N A- *’“'°*”“° °' "°’°°°-

  • 1*10NAL GUA1zn.—Funds allotted by the Secretary of War for the support of the National Guard shall be available for the purchase, under

such regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe, of horses conforming to the Regular Army standards for the use of Field Artillery and Cavali% of the National Guard, said horses to remain the property of the nited States and to be used solely for military oses. . Pulilbrses so purchased may be issued not to exceed thirty-two to any ,,§l°g°'“°°°°f°'i°°°' one battery or troo , under such regulationsas the Secretary of War may prescribe; and) the Secretary of War is further authorized to issue, in lieu of purchase, for the use of such organizations, condemned Army horses which are no longer fit for service, but which mag be suitable for the purposes of instruction, such horses to be sol gs now provided by law when said purposes shall have been serve . Sec. 90. Funds allotted by the Secretary of War for the support of C“‘· °°° the National Guard shall be available for the purchase and issue of forage, bedding, shoeing, and veterinary services, and supplies for the Government horses issued to an battery or troop, an for the compensation of competent help for the care of the material, animals, and equipment thereof, under such regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe; Provided, That the men to be compensated, rsgmqia ramada not to exceed five for each batte or troop, shall be duly enlisted *·““ · therein and shall be detailed by the batte1% or troop commander, under such regulations as the Secretary of ar may prescribe, and